Search Results for: ips cell

Scientists meeting with politicians like Rick Perry of Texas

This wild week started with an alarm clock ringing at 4:45AM Monday morning and me schlepping myself to Sacramento Airport to fly down to my former hometown of La Jolla, CA to meet Guv Perry of Texas. The small group had a great talk. I’m not naive enough to imagine us all singing Kumbaya together around […]

Scientists meeting with politicians like Rick Perry of Texas Read More »

The case for open access publishing embodied in a single equation

Taxpayer supported government grants + scientists’ work  = closed access publisher profits (derived from payments from taxpayers + scientists) This simple equation embodies all that is wrong with today’s predominant system of publishing. In fact, it is an indictment of closed access publishers. The profits of closed access publishers come at the expense of science

The case for open access publishing embodied in a single equation Read More »

The end of the NFL? The “new” epidemic of head injuries in pro and child athletes

Welcome to the era of the brain injury epidemic.  It’s always been an epidemic, but we as a society are only realizing it now. Remember those old anti-drug commercials that aired on TV I think in the 80s saying “This is your brain on drugs”? They showed an egg frying in a pan (see video

The end of the NFL? The “new” epidemic of head injuries in pro and child athletes Read More »

Making sense of all the big prostate cancer headlines of the last few weeks

It’s been a big couple weeks of headlines in the news for prostate cancer. Let me help you make sense of it all. I’m a prostate cancer survivor and cancer biologist. Prostate cancer is almost an inevitable fate for men in America and for many around the world, but a significant fraction of the cancers

Making sense of all the big prostate cancer headlines of the last few weeks Read More »

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater on PSA testing & prostate cancer

Just about exactly two and a half years ago I had surgery for prostate cancer, a serious prostate cancer that could not be watched. I could not be waiting. It changed my life. How was my prostate cancer diagnosed at age 42, an age when no one told me I should even be thinking about

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater on PSA testing & prostate cancer Read More »

Scientists still finding fun and excitement in their work: poll results

Yesterday I put up a poll asking scientists how happy they are or more simply “is science still fun?” I myself really find science fun despite all the challenges and headaches, but I wasn’t sure how my colleagues would respond as a lot of people seem stressed and/or depressed. It was thus great to see

Scientists still finding fun and excitement in their work: poll results Read More »

Great letter on Guv Perry’s California visit video from the artist

On Monday, I made a big stink about Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry visiting a lab (that of Jeanne Loring) at Scripps Research Institute here in California because the lab in question is a leading group doing human embryonic stem cell (HESC) and Perry is a strong opponent of such research. I thought the visit

Great letter on Guv Perry’s California visit video from the artist Read More »

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In terms of contact information, this site is produced by the Knoepfler Lab at UC Davis School of Medicine in Sacramento, CA, but our official address is 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616. The posts are generally written by Dr. Paul Knoepfler who can be reached at You can also reach out to contact

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