Search Results for: ips cell

Freaking hackers trying to take over my blog: the startling data

Hackers are trying to take over this blog, probably even as you read this post. I’ve heard about people trying to take over websites, but I wasn’t aware of the magnitude of the problem until I installed a little widget on my blog to measure such activities. After about a week of the widget monitoring […]

Freaking hackers trying to take over my blog: the startling data Read More »

New medulloblastoma paper suggests novel avenues to treat this childhood cancer

Medulloblastoma is the most common pediatric brain tumor. However, treatments for children who are diagnosed with so-called medullos have not evolved much over the years and are largely similar to treatments given to adults for other brain tumors. One frequent event in certain medullos is amplification of two members  of the MYC family of oncogenes

New medulloblastoma paper suggests novel avenues to treat this childhood cancer Read More »

The fatal flaw of the microbiome studies highlights the trap in science of the pursuit of the wild type human

The pursuit of “normalcy” has seriously led some scientists astray and there is no better example than the recent microbiome studies that have drawn great attention in the media. I found one aspect of their study design profoundly disturbing. First to my core question. Is there even such as thing as a normal person? As

The fatal flaw of the microbiome studies highlights the trap in science of the pursuit of the wild type human Read More »

Wish list from 2012 attendees for ISSCR 2013: some crankiness


I have an ongoing poll on people’s impressions of the big annual stem cell meeting, ISSCR 2012. I myself have been wishing I was in Japan for that meeting so I remain surprised at the trending of the poll toward the negative. By far the most common response has been a surprisingly ho-hum “so-so” evaluation

Wish list from 2012 attendees for ISSCR 2013: some crankiness Read More »