Search Results for: Stemgenex

Grading my stem cell predictions for 2016: how’d I do?


Below are the 2016 stem cell predictions I made last year and their status now color-coded near year’s end. Green is right, orange is mixed bag, and red is flat out wrong. Overall, I did better than most past years with only having entirely blown it on four. Stay tuned later this week for my 2017 predictions, […]

Grading my stem cell predictions for 2016: how’d I do? Read More »

Report on day 2 of FDA stem cell meeting: patients, researchers, & more


The FDA’s stem cell meeting wrapped up today on day two with a diverse group of individual speakers. A series of patient testimonials today in favor of clinics was one thing that stood out. You can read my take of day one and the account of Jeanne Loring who was at the meeting. I’ve noted that on

Report on day 2 of FDA stem cell meeting: patients, researchers, & more Read More »

FDA meeting on stem cell regs: mostly who’s who of anti-regulation forces


The FDA in the past year or so has issued draft guidances on regulation of stem cells that would, if finalized, make it crystal clear that what many American stem cell clinics are selling are unapproved drugs. That would be a good thing for patients who are often being put at risk by many of

FDA meeting on stem cell regs: mostly who’s who of anti-regulation forces Read More »

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium at UC Davis School of Medicine


On Thursday here at UC Davis School of Medicine we held our second annual Stem Cell Ethics Symposium. The symposium was organized by Drs. Mark Yarborough and Nanette Joyce as well as me. In this post I report on key take homes from the meeting and summarize the specific talks. As far as I know, this is one of the few

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium at UC Davis School of Medicine Read More »