Search Results for: fibroblasts

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea?


Is monkey cloning a good idea? We’re about to find out. A new Cell paper today reports the first cloning of monkeys via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), raising many questions. The paper from a team led by Qiang Sun is entitled, “Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.” The highlight bullet points

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea? Read More »

Good stem cell news on trials, FDA, cool new papers & more


In the whirlwind that is the stem cell and regenerative medicine world, there are many concerning things that need attention, but also good stuff happens too and this post focuses on the positive. The Asterias spinal cord injury clinical trial, a phase 1/2a trial called SCiStar, continues to make encouraging news with a clean safety profile

Good stem cell news on trials, FDA, cool new papers & more Read More »

Perspectives on pig human chimera paper


A new paper focused on human and other chimeras just came out today in Cell reporting a number of findings, but most strikingly successful generation of human-pig chimeras in utero. The paper, entitled, “Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells” describes various chimeras including mouse-rat ones, although those have previously been reported. This work comes

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For IPS cell mutations, some reassuring new data but validation still key


Over the years some scientists including yours truly have expressed concerns about the possibility that mutations could crop up during the reprogramming process to make induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells or IPSC). How concerned should we be about IPS cell mutations? A cool new paper, Bhutani, et al, in Nature Communications from a team led by

For IPS cell mutations, some reassuring new data but validation still key Read More »

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field


ISSCR Chat By Michael Cea Jeanne Loring of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California kindly sat down with me at the ISSCR annual meeting for a broad discussion of her history, views on the field and developments in the science. I found Jeanne a refreshing character, as I did a number of others I was

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field Read More »

Mitalipov Nature pub review: IPSC & SCNT for mitochondrial disease


In a new, thought-provoking paper today in Nature, Shoukhrat Mitalipov and a multi-institutional team report a significant advance toward potential novel ways to treat mitochondrial diseases. What are these illnesses? Mitochondrial diseases are rare, but devastating disorders caused by genetic mutations. Today they are largely impossible to treat in meaningful ways other than palliative care. Some

Mitalipov Nature pub review: IPSC & SCNT for mitochondrial disease Read More »

5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading

Some diverse new stem cell papers worth a peek this weekend? Direct reprogramming hits crest: Generation of Multipotent Induced Neural Crest by Direct Reprogramming of Human Postnatal Fibroblasts with a Single Transcription Factor, Cell Stem Cell  Hormone receptors in prostate cancer cells versus stem cells: Concise Review: Androgen Receptor Differential Roles in Stem/Progenitor Cells Including Prostate, Embryonic, Stromal,

5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading Read More »

Review of Mitalipov Nature paper: cloned ES cells vs iPS cells


Just how good are human embryonic stem (ES) cells made by therapeutic cloning via nuclear transfer, with the successful technique first reported by the lab of Shoukhrat Mitalipov at OHSU last year? How do they compare to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells or traditional ES cells made from IVF embryos? A new paper in Nature directly tackles these

Review of Mitalipov Nature paper: cloned ES cells vs iPS cells Read More »