Search Results for: lineage cell

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017


By Cátia Bandeiras, PhD Student at University of Lisbon, Portugal and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See tweets from the conference using #ISSCR2017 @apulgarita I just wrapped up my stay at the Annual Meeting of ISSCR 2017, which happened in Boston. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am living in Boston at […]

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017 Read More »

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China?

Brain-PET-scan, stem cells

New human clinical trials using derivatives of pluripotent stem cells in China for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) have raised expectations and some eyebrows. PD is a neurodegenerative condition, sometimes diagnosed or followed by PET scans such as the one at left, characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons leading to severe and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. Pluripotent stem

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China? Read More »

Stem cells in space with NASA: microgravity reduces regenerative potential


NASA researchers have been interested in the effects of space travel and in particular microgravity (μg; not to be confused in this context with the common abbreviation for micrograms) on stem cells. For instance, see the past piece “Stem Cells Take Wild Ride in Space Capsule”. In a new NASA study led by Dr. Eduardo A.C.

Stem cells in space with NASA: microgravity reduces regenerative potential Read More »

5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading

Some diverse new stem cell papers worth a peek this weekend? Direct reprogramming hits crest: Generation of Multipotent Induced Neural Crest by Direct Reprogramming of Human Postnatal Fibroblasts with a Single Transcription Factor, Cell Stem Cell  Hormone receptors in prostate cancer cells versus stem cells: Concise Review: Androgen Receptor Differential Roles in Stem/Progenitor Cells Including Prostate, Embryonic, Stromal,

5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading Read More »

Reactions to RIKEN’s STAP cell protocol


A small group of the STAP authors via RIKEN have now released a detailed protocol also available at Nature Protocol Exchange for making STAP stem cells entitled “Essential technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture from somatic cells”. This comes about 5 weeks after publication of their Nature STAP stem cell papers. 2020 update: With the 4th and

Reactions to RIKEN’s STAP cell protocol Read More »

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1


Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg is a stem cell pioneer and has advanced the development of innovative stem cell therapies including those based on umbilical cord blood. She is a faculty member at Duke where she conducts her clinical research. I recently interviewed Dr. Kurtzberg and below is Part 1 of 2 of the interview. Part 2,

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1 Read More »

Jury is still out on purported adult pluripotent stem cells despite new MUSE paper


Are MUSE cells for real? Stem cells come in different types that vary in a key property called “potency”, but very few are pluripotent. The more potency, the greater the flexibility of a stem cell to make other cell types. Flexibility in the cellular world is power. The most powerful stem cells generally used are

Jury is still out on purported adult pluripotent stem cells despite new MUSE paper Read More »

Interview with NeoStem CEO Robin Smith Part 2: VSEL, ES cells, and iPS cells

I recently did a Q&A interview with NeoStem CEO Dr. Robin Smith. I posted Part 1 of that interview a few days ago here. Now we have part two focused on VSEL, ES cells, and iPS cells. PK: I frequently have readers of my blog ask questions about VSEL. They seem puzzled and unsure of

Interview with NeoStem CEO Robin Smith Part 2: VSEL, ES cells, and iPS cells Read More »