Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Does stem cell clinic IRB approval mean much? Insights from blinding cases

stem-cells-eyes, stem cell therapy side effects.

Could the blinding of three women at a stem cell clinic have been prevented by better oversight or was the clinic acting outside of the scope of oversight by its institutional review board (IRB)? More broadly, when is an IRB conducting proper oversight and how do we know? When on the other hand is it

Does stem cell clinic IRB approval mean much? Insights from blinding cases Read More »

A tale of two stem cell retractions: stark contrast between Macchiarini & Egli


A paper retraction is a major, painful step in science, but sometimes it is necessary and in the past few weeks we’ve seen news of two high-profile stem cell paper retractions. However, these retractions were handled entirely differently by those involved and were prompted by very distinct situations. Update: for some background on stem cell

A tale of two stem cell retractions: stark contrast between Macchiarini & Egli Read More »

On St. Patrick’s Day, an update on stem cells in Ireland by Stephen Sullivan


Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the Irish Stem Cell Foundation (! I’ve included a few picture from the parade here in Ireland. Scientifically, Ireland is going through a lean period. The national science funding agency SFI is having its first grant call in 2 years. If recent history is a predictor, they are more likely

On St. Patrick’s Day, an update on stem cells in Ireland by Stephen Sullivan Read More »

Takahashi team IPS cell vision paper marks major stem cell milestone


Ring the bell for a stem cell milestone, specifically for iPS cell work. There’s been a whole lot of commotion about the NEJM article yesterday documenting the experiences of three women with macular degeneration who were blinded by non-FDA approved stem cell eye injections of fat stem cells at a business in Florida, but in the

Takahashi team IPS cell vision paper marks major stem cell milestone Read More »

NEJM paper links 3 blinded patients to US Stem Cell clinic

stem-cells-eyes, stem cell therapy side effects.

Do three blinded US Stem Cell clinic patients with major or complete vision loss constitute a significant adverse outcome? I would say so and a new paper details how this happened apparently at a particular publically-traded South Florida stem cell clinic business. You can see the damaged retinas of one such patient below in an image

NEJM paper links 3 blinded patients to US Stem Cell clinic Read More »

Navigating 4 key kinds of stem cell studies


Over the years and in particular after Dr. Oz’s show a couple weeks ago, I’ve heard from many patients who are absolutely convinced that stem cell therapies do in fact work and are safe. They have been focused particularly on hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT) for MS but also other investigational applications using a variety of stem

Navigating 4 key kinds of stem cell studies Read More »