Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Stem cell snake oil for sale at Nordstrom, Amazon, & Ebay?


What is stem cell snake oil? Stem cells are exotic things ensconced away in biomedical research labs, right? Well, maybe not entirely so these days. It turns out that you can try to sell products for a lot of money by slapping “stem cells” on the label including cosmetics. Take Nordstrom’s. It has 80 stem […]

Stem cell snake oil for sale at Nordstrom, Amazon, & Ebay? Read More »

Obokata claims she was framed for STAP cell scandal


The Japan Times has the first detailed account in English about Haruko Obokata’s new book, “That Day”. HT to blog reader Shinsakan. (update: another helpful piece on this from the WSJ). In the book, Obokata (who was widely blamed for the STAP cell fiasco) seeks to shift the blame to others according to the paper.

Obokata claims she was framed for STAP cell scandal Read More »

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics


Last week I blogged about how the FDA had issued a warning letter to a series of three co-owned fat stem cell clinics across the US. What does this FDA action mean on the broader stem cell clinic arena, particularly to those selling fat stem cells? The FDA is still in the process of getting public comment

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics Read More »

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie


Editor’s note: this is a guest post on the US stem cell environment. By Heather Main I moved to the San Diego from Australia in August 2015, and Paul asked me if I could write something on my first impressions of doing science in the US, as opposed to other countries I have worked/studied in

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie Read More »

Squeeze PR on stem cell paper evokes STAP cell bad vibrations, gets corrected


Just how often do press releases (PR) get science wrong? A new paper came out from the lab of Matthias Lutolf in Nature Materials that seems interesting. Using a special matrix, reprogramming of cells reportedly worked better. Good stuff. However, a (PR) from the home institution of EPFL and media pick up on the story used

Squeeze PR on stem cell paper evokes STAP cell bad vibrations, gets corrected Read More »

FDA Warning Letter to Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center Clinics Across US


The FDA has sent a Warning Letter to the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center. The leader of Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center is Dr. Thomas Gionis and the letter was addressed to him. Interestingly, this letter, dated December 30, 2015, contains redactions. At one time this clinic was part of the larger Cell Surgical Network (CSN)

FDA Warning Letter to Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center Clinics Across US Read More »

Recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science


I try to catch up on my science reading over the weekends and evenings. Here’s my recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science. Did I miss anything especially cool? Let me know in the comments. Direct reprogramming of skin cells into insulin-producing cells. I love direct reprogramming. Healios and Athersys Enter Into Regenerative Medicine Partnership.

Recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science Read More »

Vanity Fair Dissects Stem Cell Surgeon Macchiarini in Exposé


  Forget retracting a paper, could Paolo Macchiarini try to get a retraction of Vanity Fair piece on his wild personal life an CV? Macchiarini is one of the more well-known stem cell and regenerative medicine researchers, and not always related to good news. You can see read posts I’ve done on him on this blog including

Vanity Fair Dissects Stem Cell Surgeon Macchiarini in Exposé Read More »