Search Results for: arthritis

Book Excerpt: Stem Cells for Alzheimer’s Disease–Are We There yet?

Stem Cells for Alzheimer’s Disease? Below is an excerpt focused on Alzheimer’s Disease from my new book on stem cells. Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, which is targeted to a broad audience of people interested in stem cells. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is one of the most devastating illnesses. It destroys the brain, which shrinks over […]

Book Excerpt: Stem Cells for Alzheimer’s Disease–Are We There yet? Read More »

Interview with Dr. Steven Victor of IntelliCell Biosciences (SVFC)


What’s the deal with IntelliCell Biosciences, headed up by Dr. Steven Victor? Sometimes science can move at warp speed and that is even more true of the stem cell field. One stem cell establishment that seems to be in a particularly intense period of activity and that has drawn a great deal of attention lately

Interview with Dr. Steven Victor of IntelliCell Biosciences (SVFC) Read More »

A-Rod BioGenesis Performance Enhancing Drug Use & Stem Cell Therapies


Baseball’s superstar A-Rod reportedly is deeply ensnared in a scandal involving a  small-time anti-aging clinic in Florida, Biogenesis, which helped numerous MLB players dope. Anti-aging is big business. Some anti-aging clinics push performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), while a growing number of others pitch stem cells. Many sell both. Star athletes are flocking to unproven stem

A-Rod BioGenesis Performance Enhancing Drug Use & Stem Cell Therapies Read More »

Stem Cells An Insider’s Guide: More on My New Book

In about a month my new book, Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, should be available as an e-book from the publisher and from Amazon. It’s available for pre-order now at Amazon here. The “real” book (i.e. the one made of paper) should be available in September. The book costs $29. Any writers out there interested in doing

Stem Cells An Insider’s Guide: More on My New Book Read More »

Commenter Claims XCell-Center Stem Cell Clinic Got a Bad Rap, Provides New Details


What really happened at XCell-Center in Germany, formerly the largest stem cell clinic in Europe? A baby died after receiving treatment there. Why? Was the death in any way connected to stem cells? (update: note that since post originally went up, quite a few more patient deaths both a clinics and in clinical trials have

Commenter Claims XCell-Center Stem Cell Clinic Got a Bad Rap, Provides New Details Read More »

Disease Focus Series

Cancer Stem Cells: a new target Disease Focus Series: Cancer Disease Focus Series: HIV/AIDS Disease Focus Series: Spinal Cord InjuryDisease Focus Series: Osteoarthritis research moving forward Disease Focus Series: Parkinson’s Disease and promising new pre-clinical results from iPS cells Disease Focus Series: a big week of exciting progress on Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Disease Focus

Disease Focus Series Read More »

Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease

clinicaltrials.gov_ is where you want to go for finding a certain clinical trial and studies. Note that this U.S. database includes international trials. It is a very powerful tool! Check it out here to do your own searches. Also follow me on Twitter for all the latest info and expert analysis: and this patient’s

Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease Read More »