Search Results for: stem cells for MS

MiMedx (MDXG) placental “stem cell magnet” drugs attract FDA attention and lawsuit

ABC News just reported that the FDA is allgedly “cracking down” on the publicly traded company, MiMedx (MDXG), which sells a placental derivative touted for healing powers. The Wall Street Journal is also following the story. According to ABC News: MiMedx is a publically traded, for-profit company that takes donated human placentas — solicited via a website featuring

MiMedx (MDXG) placental “stem cell magnet” drugs attract FDA attention and lawsuit Read More »

Contemplating patients contacting me about stem cells


Lately on average patients or patient relatives contact me about stem cells more than once a week. That’s about 50 times a year. The patients or their parents have questions about stem cells most often. Sometimes they have comments about this blog. Other times they ask for medical advice from me. Because I am a

Contemplating patients contacting me about stem cells Read More »

Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide Book Signing & Talk on October 10th


Somewhere out in the ocean there is a container ship steaming from Singapore here to the US and getting close to our shores and on that ship are the first printing copies of my new book, Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide. At the same time, preparations for the e-book version are just about done. I

Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide Book Signing & Talk on October 10th Read More »

Questions List to Bring With You to the Stem Cell Clinic

Many patients ask me what questions they should be asking doctors and stem cell clinics about possible stem cell therapies. Here is my top 10 list of key items (in both graphic summarized form and detailed text form) that you need to know about and questions about a potential stem cell therapy. Some of these

Questions List to Bring With You to the Stem Cell Clinic Read More »

Stem Cell TGIF on Friday the 13th: My Reactions to the Big Recent Stories

On May 13, 2011 I published a post entitled “Friday the 13th for iPS cells”. That day was indeed Friday the 13th and there were some reports in Nature of concerns about iPS cells in terms of immunogenicity and this had followed on the heels of reports on significant genomic and epigenomic warts in iPS

Stem Cell TGIF on Friday the 13th: My Reactions to the Big Recent Stories Read More »

Stem cell journal club: dishing on Nature paper on making iPS cells inside mice

What if you could reprogram cells inside of an organism to a different fate and, for instance, make IPS cells? We can, right? But when most of us think about making induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, we imagine it all happening in a little plastic dish in our labs or in our colleague’s labs, not

Stem cell journal club: dishing on Nature paper on making iPS cells inside mice Read More »

Japan Aiming For a Commanding Position on New Stem Cells


Stem cell technology is poised to wow the world with biomedical advances in the coming decades and Japan wants to lead the way. They want to forge ahead particularly with applications that focus on a relatively new kind of stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. Japanese researcher, Shinya Yamanaka, first reported production

Japan Aiming For a Commanding Position on New Stem Cells Read More »