Search Results for: stem cells for MS

If I only had a brain: brain organoids from pluripotent stem cells

In a first for the field, scientists have used human pluripotent stem cells to grow miniature brain-like structures (brain organoids) in a dish in a lab (see beautiful image of one of these “mini-brains” at left from the paper). This exciting, pioneering feat, accomplished by a team from the Austrian Academy of Science in Vienna […]

If I only had a brain: brain organoids from pluripotent stem cells Read More »

Patient Advisory: Sneaking Stem Cells Out of USA May Be Illegal Smuggling

Some stem cell clinics are pressuring their own patients into potentially breaking federal law through something like smuggling. A big problem for certain clinics is how to bring the paying American customer (i.e. the patient) and the biological product that they are selling derived from the patient’s stem cells together outside the reach of the

Patient Advisory: Sneaking Stem Cells Out of USA May Be Illegal Smuggling Read More »

Stem cells for a better sex life? Part 1 overview


The stem cell field is seeing stem cells increasingly advertised as the basis for improving people’s lives in countless ways, including a better sex life. Some of the hope for stem cells making life better is legit, while other stuff is bogus. One area that is getting significant attention commercially is how stem cell interventions

Stem cells for a better sex life? Part 1 overview Read More »

A-Rod BioGenesis Performance Enhancing Drug Use & Stem Cell Therapies


Baseball’s superstar A-Rod reportedly is deeply ensnared in a scandal involving a  small-time anti-aging clinic in Florida, Biogenesis, which helped numerous MLB players dope. Anti-aging is big business. Some anti-aging clinics push performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), while a growing number of others pitch stem cells. Many sell both. Star athletes are flocking to unproven stem

A-Rod BioGenesis Performance Enhancing Drug Use & Stem Cell Therapies Read More »

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1


Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg is a stem cell pioneer and has advanced the development of innovative stem cell therapies including those based on umbilical cord blood. She is a faculty member at Duke where she conducts her clinical research. I recently interviewed Dr. Kurtzberg and below is Part 1 of 2 of the interview. Part 2,

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1 Read More »

5 ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy & younger


Here’s an updated 2013 look at protecting one’s own existing stem cells. Regenerative medicine is very exciting. But what’s even better than regenerative medicine? Preventative medicine. If one can prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, it is far better than trying to treat it after the fact. Of course in many cases

5 ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy & younger Read More »

TGIF: musings on recent stem cell headlines: some good, some stupid

It’s Friday so time for some stem cell headlines. TGIF….although of course the stem cells will be growing, experiments going, the grants and papers continue being written, and data still analyzed on Saturdays and Sundays too in the stem cell field. Stem cells are not a Mon-Fri, 9-5 kind of universe, but most of you

TGIF: musings on recent stem cell headlines: some good, some stupid Read More »