Search Results for: World Stem Cell Summit

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease


One of the most famous living biological scientists, Sir Ian Wilmut, just announced that he has Parkinson’s Disease. I wish him the best in dealing with this illness. Wilmut is very well-known for having cloned the first mammal, Dolly the Sheep. This work followed on the earlier breakthrough by Sir John Gurdon of cloning the

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease Read More »

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France


By Elliot Hosman Summary.  A campaign calling for a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos was launched by a prominent French organization fighting for narrow understandings of life and family. A recent campaign calling for a ban on “transgenic” human embryos was launched by one of France’s most prominent organizations fighting for “science”-backed “one-man-one-woman”

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France Read More »