Search Results for: CIRM

The perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill ES cells research

A year from now will I still be conducted federally funded research on human ES cells? What about the hundreds of other professors in the U.S. and their thousands of employees? It is not unreasonable at this point to forecast a perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill elements of stem cell research that

The perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill ES cells research Read More »

The day after Geron news: a realistic outlook for the stem cell field

Yesterday Geron announced it would be immediately stopping its stem cell research program. What does this mean? While this program has (or should I say “had”) a number of elements, at its heart was of course its hESC-based OPC drug (GRNOPC1) for spinal cord injury, which was in an FDA-approved Phase I Clinical Trial that

The day after Geron news: a realistic outlook for the stem cell field Read More »

Bad news as Geron to quit hESC SCI trial for financial reasons


Reportedly, Geron has decided to only focus on cancer research and for financial reasons has shut down its hESC trial for spinal cord injury. This is a very sad day for stem cell science. (Update in 2020: the firm still exists, but is working in different areas. The stock has struggled.) No more spinal cord

Bad news as Geron to quit hESC SCI trial for financial reasons Read More »

7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011


It is nice to be back home, but I really enjoyed the World Stem Cell Summit. It was an energizing, inspiring meeting. There was a huge amount of information presented including new ideas and challenges to the existing paradigms. I’ve condensed it down for you. Below I list and briefly discuss what I thought were

7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011 Read More »

Portraying sci-fi about stem cells and aging as reality: quotes from Aubrey de Grey

I believe that stem cells may at some point allow people to live slightly longer, maybe a couple years on average. However, I think they have the potential to dramatically increase the quality of life during the time we are alive.  My colleague Amy Adams over at the CIRM research blog had a great post

Portraying sci-fi about stem cells and aging as reality: quotes from Aubrey de Grey Read More »


Podcast for Week of July 5 Topics –Stem Cell Tourism in the U.S. –CIRM –Article in the Hill by stem cell opponent –Stem cell hype on aging   Podcast for Week of July 11 Topics: –two papers on stem cell-based tissue engineering and one on stem cell treatments for heart disease, –the Republican candidates for

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Grading stem cell blogs: what is the best in the world?

We have posted before about how anti-stem cell folks seem to be uniquely talented and/or motivated to get their gospel out there, particularly when it comes to the Internet. According to Google search results, some of the top hits for “stem cell blog” are sites that are extremely anti-stem cell research and have little in

Grading stem cell blogs: what is the best in the world? Read More »

The valley of death: stem cells, biotechs, and money

What is the valley of death of science and biotech? For those of us conducting stem cell research, especially human stem cell research, I don’t have to tell you how expensive it is. Even just doing pre-clinical or basic science research costs a fortune. When you start talking about the kind of pre-clinical research specifically

The valley of death: stem cells, biotechs, and money Read More »