Search Results for: COVID-19

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype


Despite the COVID-19 pandemic there are still some research things we can do including data analysis as well as reading new papers and media articles on science, including regenerative medicine. If the weather’s good and you have wi-fi (or you print articles still on paper) you can even do this out in the fresh air […]

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype Read More »

Patient Q&A#2: Are autoimmune or stem cell transplant patients at higher risk from COVID-19?


I’m continuing my stem cell patient Q&A series and today’s Q&A#2 post is focused on whether autoimmune patients generally or specifically those who have received chemo and hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT) are at higher risk from COVID-19? Multiple patients have asked me this. It’s a great question and obviously urgent right now during the

Patient Q&A#2: Are autoimmune or stem cell transplant patients at higher risk from COVID-19? Read More »

Athersys & Mesoblast stem cells for COVID-19?


Could two stem cell biotechs Athersys and Mesoblast help in the battle against the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19? Stem cells, ARDS, and COVID-19 I’ve already written two pieces about the idea of using stem cells to battle COVID-19 (here and here), the sometimes fatal disease that arises from infection with the novel coronavirus. Older patients

Athersys & Mesoblast stem cells for COVID-19? Read More »

‘We Cannot Stick to the Rules’: claims of stem cells saving COVID-19 patients


I’ve been watching as the number of registered stem cell-related clinical trials for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease COVID-19 continues to spiral upward, mostly in China. During the last two weeks, I’ve been trying to carve out a bit of time to look at these actual trials in more depth, but I admittedly haven’t gotten

‘We Cannot Stick to the Rules’: claims of stem cells saving COVID-19 patients Read More »

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak


Could stem cells help patients with the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19? It’s hard to say at this point. Is it worth doing trials during the outbreak to find out? Three new clinical studies have popped up on investigating the potential of stem cells to help patients infected with the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV. Update, the

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak Read More »

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in

FDA stem cell oversight

The U.S. Supreme Court could soon have a historic opportunity to limit the scope of FDA stem cell oversight. A large stem cell clinic firm now says it plans to ask SCOTUS to review a case it recently lost on appeal to the FDA. If SCOTUS takes the case, the FDA could find its powers

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cell therapy for vision loss, cancer self-experimentation, Slovenia, 14-day rule

limbal stem cell deficiency LSCD, stem cell therapy for vision loss

Is there a proven stem cell therapy for vision loss? When I started The Niche back in early 2010, one major area of hope was that there might one day be a stem cell therapy for vision loss or even blindness. Maybe even a cure for blindness. While we’re not there yet as a field,

Weekly reads: stem cell therapy for vision loss, cancer self-experimentation, Slovenia, 14-day rule Read More »

Readers’ question: do stem cells for Long COVID make sense including for brain fog?

stem cells for Long COVID

Do stem cells for Long COVID make sense including for associated brain issues? Two readers of The Niche asked me this question recently. Let’s discuss it. Stem cells for Long COVID worth trying? What is Long COVID? A sizable fraction of people who get COVID-19 never fully recover. They may have symptoms like fatigue, brain

Readers’ question: do stem cells for Long COVID make sense including for brain fog? Read More »

Weekly reads: cool olfactory tuft cells, T-cell therapy, NK cells

Olfactory epithelium, Olfactory histology

There’s a fascinating type of olfactory cell. These so-called tuft cells have unusual characteristics, especially for nose cells. I had never heard of them before until reading a new article. The inside of the nose may not seem like a very attractive place but there are cool “nose stem cells” in there.  More broadly, there

Weekly reads: cool olfactory tuft cells, T-cell therapy, NK cells Read More »