Search Results for: STAP cells

Reactions to RIKEN’s STAP cell protocol


A small group of the STAP authors via RIKEN have now released a detailed protocol also available at Nature Protocol Exchange for making STAP stem cells entitled “Essential technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture from somatic cells”. This comes about 5 weeks after publication of their Nature STAP stem cell papers. 2020 update: With the 4th and

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Latest STAP stem cell whispers: glimmers of hope or mirages?


On the STAP cell front, I’ve heard several reports now that labs can sometimes see some kind of either Oct4-GFP reporter activity or pluripotency gene expression in acid treated cells, but the scientists do not seem particularly encouraged. One said that the cells gave a glimmer of interesting gene expression, but would not grow at

Latest STAP stem cell whispers: glimmers of hope or mirages? Read More »

Are STAP Stem Cell Nature Papers Compromised?


Are the Nature STAP stem cell papers compromised? Could Nature‘s investigation conclude with something as serious as retraction or rather a mild slap on the wrist? Somewhere in between? (note you may find this update post from 2020 to be of interest: Whatever happened to the STAP cell scientists including Haruko Obokata?) Why is this question

Are STAP Stem Cell Nature Papers Compromised? Read More »

STAP 3.0: Patent, New Paper Problems, & Poll Plummet


People have been taking a long look over the last 24 hours or so at the STAP stem cell patent application filed by Charles Vacanti, his brother, Obokata, and others. Any reactions? I don’t know much about patents so I’d be curious of your impressions. New STAP paper troubles? I’m hearing through the stem grapevine

STAP 3.0: Patent, New Paper Problems, & Poll Plummet Read More »

Nature Post-Pub Examination of Its Own STAP Stem Cell Papers Breaks New Ground


What’s the latest surprise on the STAP stem cell front? There have been many unexpected turn along the way in the past few weeks of the rollercoaster ride the stem cell field is on related to STAP stem cells, the super powerful stem cells reportedly (in two papers in Nature) made “simply” by exposing cells

Nature Post-Pub Examination of Its Own STAP Stem Cell Papers Breaks New Ground Read More »