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7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011


It is nice to be back home, but I really enjoyed the World Stem Cell Summit. It was an energizing, inspiring meeting. There was a huge amount of information presented including new ideas and challenges to the existing paradigms. I’ve condensed it down for you. Below I list and briefly discuss what I thought were […]

7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011 Read More »

Rudy Jaenisch & 5 key action items for the ES and iPS cell field

This morning on day two of the World Stem Cell Summit here in Pasadena, Rudy Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute gave the scientific keynote address. It was a fabulous talk. Rudy Jaenisch, accurately described by Bernie Siegel as a true giant of the stem cell field, outlined the key issues facing the field of highly

Rudy Jaenisch & 5 key action items for the ES and iPS cell field Read More »

The news of CIRM and clinical trial: don’t forget the patient

As much as so many were excited yesterday about the enrollment of the first patient in a CIRM-funded clinical trial, I did not see a mention of a very important element. The patient. Our excitement about the clinical trial moving forward is understandable, but we also need to keep a sober perspective on the fact

The news of CIRM and clinical trial: don’t forget the patient Read More »

Stem cell opponents appeal federal ruling: what does this mean?


Drs. James Sherley and Theresa Deisher are the two adult stem cell researchers who sued the federal government over federal funding of ESC research. They claimed that NIH funding of ESC research violated the law and also was unfair to them. This case has been bouncing around in various courts over the last couple years

Stem cell opponents appeal federal ruling: what does this mean? Read More »

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world

Are street smarts important in science? Some of the smartest people I have ever met in my life were scientists. But some of these same people made the dumbest mistakes I have ever seen in my life. Why? Their raw brainpower and knowledge of science is amazing, but they seemed to lack common sense and

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world Read More »

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die?

Another sports stars has been publicly “outed” as having received a non-FDA approved stem cell therapy in a foreign country. First, the big news earlier this year in June was that NY Yankees Pitcher Bartolo Colon had received a stem cell treatment. Then we all heard that Texas Governor and, at the moment, leading GOP

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die? Read More »