Search Results for: als

Thinking on your feet: practical suggestions for creating and using a standing workstation

What is a standing workstation? You know how when people give you bad news they ask “Are you sitting down?” Since I’m going to give you some good news in this post, I ask you now as you are reading this, are you standing up? We are constantly bombarded with news stories about what is […]

Thinking on your feet: practical suggestions for creating and using a standing workstation Read More »

ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA?

What is ISSCR doing about unproven stem cell clinics? One of the greatest and most infuriating ironies of the stem cell-based regenerative medicine universe is that while the FDA strictly regulates the progress of therapy development by Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron and other legitimate companies, at the same time mysteriously the FDA essentially

ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA? Read More »

Grading stem cell blogs: what is the best in the world?

We have posted before about how anti-stem cell folks seem to be uniquely talented and/or motivated to get their gospel out there, particularly when it comes to the Internet. According to Google search results, some of the top hits for “stem cell blog” are sites that are extremely anti-stem cell research and have little in

Grading stem cell blogs: what is the best in the world? Read More »

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients

What will we define as a success for any given stem cell biotech like ViaCyte? In academia, even if we do pre-clinical, translational kind of biomedical sciences, we still do not often think about what it takes to succeed in industry. Even if we very much want our research to make a difference for patients,

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients Read More »

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors?


Two companies, Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron, both HQ’d here in California, have FDA-approved early stage clinical trials in the works. Geron’s trial has already started and reportedly now has enrolled at least two patients. The trial is of course for the safety of Geron’s GRNOPC1 oligodendrocyte product made from human ES cells for

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors? Read More »

Lisa Ray, Stem Cell City, and stem cell resources across the globe

The McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine has launched a new effort they call “Stem Cell City”. As part of the launch they have enlisted the help of Lisa Ray, a Canadian Actress/Model, who was treated for Multiple Myeloma in 2009 using a stem cell transplant. Lisa Ray has a video that is quite compelling (see

Lisa Ray, Stem Cell City, and stem cell resources across the globe Read More »

Family Research Council angrily calls NSF ignorant about stem cells: reality check!

The ultra right-wing Family Research Council (FRC), a non-scientific organization, today issued a press release slamming the National Science Foundation (NSF), one of the premier scientific organizations in the world over their supposed ignorance about stem cells. What sparked the FRC’s ire was a press release from NSF that discussed a paper in Cell that

Family Research Council angrily calls NSF ignorant about stem cells: reality check! Read More »

Cloning Justin Beiber or Einstein or you? Who’s first?

Is Cloning Justin Beiber a good idea? Einstein first? Or maybe you? Human cloning is coming. Maybe not to a Walmart near you, but it is coming. And by human cloning, I mean reproductive cloning, not therapeutic cloning which is a totally different cup of tea. The cloning I’m talking about is where you duplicate

Cloning Justin Beiber or Einstein or you? Who’s first? Read More »