Search Results for: crispr

First anti-CRISPR political campaign is born in Europe


Campaigns are underway in several European countries against the possible use of genetic modification in humans to make designer babies and one has a distinctly anti-CRISPR tone. For example, in France a group is pushing an anti-GM baby campaign and the same kind of thing is going on in Switzerland, which I blogged about recently. In […]

First anti-CRISPR political campaign is born in Europe Read More »

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting Panel: A View from the Trenches on Human Disease


The second session at our CRISPR meeting was really powerful. As with other posts from the UC Davis CRISPR meeting, since I was taking notes on the fly during this session, this post is a stream of bits from the different talks, often trying to capture the essence of key questions or ideas as the speakers

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting Panel: A View from the Trenches on Human Disease Read More »

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting: Big Picture from Ben Hurlbut


The CRISPR meeting has started off wonderfully with a talk by Ben Hurlbut. His talk was entitled, “The Demands of CRISPR’s World: Imagination, Deliberation and Governance”. Since I took notes and listened this post is somewhat freeform. I liked how Ben asked a lot of questions. What is “CRISPR’s world” as Science Magazine called it? How

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting: Big Picture from Ben Hurlbut Read More »

NgAgo a-go-go: main bullet points on upstart CRISPR challenger


The gene editing technology CRISPR has been arguably the top story in the biomedical world in the last two years, but going forward there is a CRISPR challenger in upstart gene editing technology NgAgo. For more background on NgAgo and the key first published paper on its genetic modification characteristics see my post here.  In the comments on that

NgAgo a-go-go: main bullet points on upstart CRISPR challenger Read More »

TGIF Science: funding, CRISPR v. NgAgo, secrets, Zika, & more


Some stuff on my mind for our TGIF Science this week. Research Funding Ups: NIH. Is it my imagination or is NIH funding slightly improving? This is the overall vibe I’m hearing from the trenches. Research Funding Ups and Downs: CIRM.  CIRM funded some basic research to the tune of a total of $4 million,

TGIF Science: funding, CRISPR v. NgAgo, secrets, Zika, & more Read More »

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR?


2020 Update: early NgAgo reports have been mostly discredited and there is doubt on its function as a gene-editing method. What could be better than CRISPR for gene editing? A new genetic modification technology called NgAgo has some researchers really excited. How does it compare to CRISPR? I’ll admit it that as a scientist who works on

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR? Read More »

Favorable review in Cell of my new book on CRISPR in humans, GMO Sapiens


My new book GMO Sapiens is the first such work written for both a lay audience and scientists to cover the potential use of CRISPR in humans for genetic modification The journal Cell has just published a review by George Annas on GMO Sapiens. For the most part he seems to have liked it. If

Favorable review in Cell of my new book on CRISPR in humans, GMO Sapiens Read More »