Search Results for: crispr

Congress: FDA should consult religious experts on embryo CRISPR


The US Congress recently held its first hearing on human germline genetic modification. The meeting included CRISPR-Cas9 pioneer Jennifer Doudna (see video here) on the panel. See image of Cas9 structure from Wikipedia. CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful, strikingly efficient tool for genetic engineering of cells and whole organisms. Now Republican congressional leaders have included a […]

Congress: FDA should consult religious experts on embryo CRISPR Read More »

Doudna & Others Testify to Congress on CRISPR, Human Germline Editing


The House Subcommittee on Research and Technology on Tuesday held a CRISPR hearing: “The Science and Ethics of Genetically Engineered Human DNA”. At the meeting, CRISPR pioneer Dr. Jennifer Doudna gave testimony along with Dr. Victor Dzau who is the President of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Dr.

Doudna & Others Testify to Congress on CRISPR, Human Germline Editing Read More »

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR


The Obama Administration today weighed in on human germline genetic modification such as via CRISPR via a note from John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The White House indicated support for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR Read More »

CRISPR critters: Cute pics of Cas9 gene edited animals


As CRISPR gene editing technology has advanced in the last few years, the number of genetically modified animals made with this system has steadily increased. Some are very interesting and useful for science. At the same time especially when they are little, they can be very cute. A nickname is going around for these GM

CRISPR critters: Cute pics of Cas9 gene edited animals Read More »

Guest Post by Chris Scott–The Great CRISPR Controversy: What’s Next?


A decade ago I wrote an article in the journal Nature Biotechnology about the rise of a new gene editing technology called zinc finger nucleases (ZNF). It was one of those “drumbeat” discoveries: at the time, my sense was it would revolutionize how we deliver genes to cells and tissues, and profoundly change the way

Guest Post by Chris Scott–The Great CRISPR Controversy: What’s Next? Read More »

The big blind spot on CRISPR for human embryo editing: PGD


There is a big old blind spot in the discussion over germline gene editing in humans: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). There’s been a lot of talk in 2015 about worries over how gene editing technology such as CRISPR might be used prematurely in the clinic in an unsafe or unethical manner in humans in the

The big blind spot on CRISPR for human embryo editing: PGD Read More »

Who deserves patent for CRISPR-Cas9 in human cells? Take our poll


There is no hotter technology than CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tools. Perhaps it is not surprising then that there is a patent dispute over it, which falls into two camps: (1) Jennifer Doudna & Emmanuelle Charpentier, and (2) Feng Zhang. Who deserves the intellectual property for use of CRISPR-Cas9 in human cells? Take our poll.

Who deserves patent for CRISPR-Cas9 in human cells? Take our poll Read More »