Search Results for: crispr

Surprising reason why human cloning may produce someone else


“If I’m going to the trouble of cloning myself, I want the clone to be a copy of me!” I’m imagining what someone might say if they were told that their expensive and ethically dubious personal cloning efforts produced a clone that was somebody else instead of them. Even if the clone was very similar […]

Surprising reason why human cloning may produce someone else Read More »

Stem cell clinic experimenting on patients with unapproved genetically modified ‘cancer vaccine’?


What if it seemed based on the public statements of its leader that a business was using an unapproved and unproven, genetically-modified, stem cell-based ‘cancer vaccine’ on patients? Is that possible? Sometimes I think I’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to companies marketing non-FDA approved, scientifically unproven stem cell ‘therapies’ to patients

Stem cell clinic experimenting on patients with unapproved genetically modified ‘cancer vaccine’? Read More »

List of regenerative medicine & stem cell meetings for rest of 2018


This post contains a list of the remaining regenerative medicine and stem cell meetings for 2018. If you are interested in history, here’s our first ever meetings list for way back in 2012. Here’s the 2018 list. 10th World Congress and Expo on Cell & Stem Cell Research, NY, NY USA, March 19-21, 2018. iPSCs: A

List of regenerative medicine & stem cell meetings for rest of 2018 Read More »

Stem cell weekend reads & science headlines


Here are my suggested weekend reads on stem cells & regenerative medicine. I also threw in some stem cell news headlines and more general science stories…and some CRISPR. What are your weekend reads? Lysosome activation clears aggregates and enhances quiescent neural stem cell activation during aging in Science (a.k.a., taking out the stem cellular trash for

Stem cell weekend reads & science headlines Read More »

20 predictions for stem cells & regenerative medicine in 2018


Every year I look into my stem cell crystal ball and make predictions for our field including regenerative medicine. Well, I don’t really look into a crystal ball, but I try to use a combination of what I’m hearing through the grapevine, stuff I’m reading, some info that is not yet in the public domain,

20 predictions for stem cells & regenerative medicine in 2018 Read More »