Search Results for: crispr

Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement


The international stem cell policy and ethics think tank, the Hinxton Group, weighed in yesterday on heritable human genetic modification with a new policy statement. The Hinxton statement is in many ways in agreement with the Baltimore, et al. Nature paper proposing a “prudent path forward” for human germline genetic modification, which came out of […]

Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement Read More »

Trump makes case for germline human genetic modification?


Flying out of Portland Airport yesterday, I saw these magazines side by side: Trump and genetic modification of humans. Hmmm. That’s a humorous juxtaposition and the two covers are oddly similar in design. It go me thinking… Could using germline human genetic modification be a wise thing to do in some cases? After all, humanity

Trump makes case for germline human genetic modification? Read More »

Kelly Hills interview: human genetic modification & bioethics


Below is a conversation with bioethics commentator Kelly Hills (who BTW has a great blog), tackling some of the key issues surrounding the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to make heritable human genetic modification. I really appreciate her clear and insightful answers to some tough questions that many are grappling with today on this topic. Part

Kelly Hills interview: human genetic modification & bioethics Read More »

Conversation with Harmit Malik on Gene Drive & Genetics


Gene drive is a powerful, emerging genetic technology that can force genetic modification into an entire population. For more background on gene drive you can read my previous post. It’s a very exciting, but potentially dangerous technology with sizable possible risks. Recently I had an intriguing conversation with leading geneticist Harmit Malik on gene drive. What

Conversation with Harmit Malik on Gene Drive & Genetics Read More »

Why interview Steven Pinker on my blog if I strongly disagree with him?


Earlier this week I posted an interview with Steven Pinker on CRISPR, human germline modification, and bioethics. With only a few exceptions, I strongly disagree with Pinker’s philosophy in these areas and I knew going into the interview that his answers would likely go against my own views. I also expected the interview would anger

Why interview Steven Pinker on my blog if I strongly disagree with him? Read More »

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field


ISSCR Chat By Michael Cea Jeanne Loring of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California kindly sat down with me at the ISSCR annual meeting for a broad discussion of her history, views on the field and developments in the science. I found Jeanne a refreshing character, as I did a number of others I was

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field Read More »

Global transhumanism leader Natasha Vita-More on human germline modification


In my continuing series of conversations with thought leaders related to heritable human modification, today’s post is an interview with Natasha Vita-More, a pioneer in the transhumanism movement and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Humanity+ (H+), the global transhumanist organization. Where do you see transhumanism today? Has it changed over the years? What

Global transhumanism leader Natasha Vita-More on human germline modification Read More »

TGIF: Recommended Science & Medicine Weekend Reads


With these recommendations I’m aiming for a diverse range of content and perspectives, some of which I may not agree with, but all of which are interesting even if they are beyond research on medicine. Prostate Organoid from Stem Cells. More organoid news. Why Do Glowing Sharks Glow? Not exactly medicine, but a cool piece

TGIF: Recommended Science & Medicine Weekend Reads Read More »

Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward


The topic of heritable human genetic modification has been heating up recently. Prominent scientists, ethicists, and legal scholars have being weighing in, and there is a range of attitudes. Some favor a complete, moratorium including even lab work, while on the other end of the spectrum there are those who have a more liberal perspective. Many

Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward Read More »

Interview with transhumanism leader Maria Konovalenko


The transhumanism movement has been garnering attention lately for a variety of views including embracing aspects of heritable human genetic modification. Earlier this year I interviewed geneticist and transhumanist, George Church. In this post I interview molecular biophysicist and transhumanist Maria Konovalenko. She is the program coordinator at the Science for Life Extension Foundation. In

Interview with transhumanism leader Maria Konovalenko Read More »