Search Results for: human cloning

Are babies from same-sex couples possible?


A question that has come up with advances in stem cell technology: could same-sex couples have their own biological children? Since Shinya Yamanaka reprogrammed first mouse and then human ordinary cells into powerful pluripotent stem cells, termed induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, back in 2006-2007 many new research avenues have opened up. The impossible suddenly

Are babies from same-sex couples possible? Read More »

Post-Publication Paper Reviews & Commentaries

2015 Review of Vogelstein “Bad Luck” Cancer & Stem Cell Paper in Science January 02, 2015   2014 What Does New Paper Mean for Future of Nuclear Transfer ES Cells? November 9, 2014 Encouraging New Paper on ACT Stem Cell-Based Trial for Macular Degeneration October 14, 2014 Top 10 Takeaways From Harvard Stem Cell Diabetes

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Review of Mitalipov Nature paper: cloned ES cells vs iPS cells


Just how good are human embryonic stem (ES) cells made by therapeutic cloning via nuclear transfer, with the successful technique first reported by the lab of Shoukhrat Mitalipov at OHSU last year? How do they compare to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells or traditional ES cells made from IVF embryos? A new paper in Nature directly tackles these

Review of Mitalipov Nature paper: cloned ES cells vs iPS cells Read More »

Arthur Caplan Article on Bogus Stem Cell Research: Some Different Views

When bioethicist Arthur Caplan talks about stem cells, people pay close attention and for good reason. Caplan has provided important perspectives on the stem cell field over the years. For example, you can see a guest post on this blog here about human cloning. However, in my post today I respectfully discuss how I disagree with several parts of this week’s piece by

Arthur Caplan Article on Bogus Stem Cell Research: Some Different Views Read More »

Why I oppose de-extinction of woolly mammoths


De-extinction is big right now and some of the extinct target creatures are big too like the woolly mammoth. “Let’s bring back these extinct creatures”, say proponents. Wouldn’t it be cool? I have to admit seeing a woolly mammoth, mastodon, or saber tooth tiger would be cool, but such efforts would not be without consequences

Why I oppose de-extinction of woolly mammoths Read More »

Nicholas Wade of the New York Times again Misses the Stem Cell Boat

In late 2010, Nicholas Wade, then a frequent science writer for the New York Times, wrote a frankly nasty piece on the stem cell field that was insulting and oversimplistic. Now today we have yet another piece in the NYT by Wade on stem cells, and he mostly makes a mess of it again, with

Nicholas Wade of the New York Times again Misses the Stem Cell Boat Read More »

Why all the fuss about SCNT-derived ES cell paper?

This past week a paper came out in Nature that reported the successful production of human ES cells using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology. It is no exaggeration to say that this paper generated massive international media coverage, in part because of the links between this technology and the potential for human cloning, both

Why all the fuss about SCNT-derived ES cell paper? Read More »

Opponents of ES cell research launch stealth attack in Minnesota

Knoepfler lab stem cells

What’s going on with legislation on ES cell research in Minnesota? I blogged before about how Oklahoma legislators were heading toward passing legislation that would make it a crime to do ES cell research. Unfortunately, that legislation just passed. As if that were not bad enough, now potentially life saving research in Minnesota is starting

Opponents of ES cell research launch stealth attack in Minnesota Read More »