Search Results for: ips cells

Weekly reads: oncodevelopmental factors, iPSC cancer vaccine, more

stem cell vaccine paper ouyang et al

One of my main research interests is in oncodevelopmental factors. These include factors that are important both for normal stem cell biology and development as well as driving cancer when misregulated. One example includes the MYC family of proto-oncogenes. When I was a postdoc I got especially interested in trying to understand the normal role […]

Weekly reads: oncodevelopmental factors, iPSC cancer vaccine, more Read More »

Weekly reads: Stem cells for vision loss & recommended pubs

stem cells for vision loss ribeiro et al

I’m going to start off today’s recommended reads post with some stem cells for vision developments. I had some fun the last 2 weeks as people sent in their entries for our $100 stem cell picture contest. I’ll announce the winner this week. It’s going to be hard to choose given the great entries. Stem

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Xenobots: can you really make living robots from stem cells?

pnas 2020 xenobots paper figure4 1

Can you really make living robots from stem cells called xenobots? How would this work? You take frog stem cells, supercomputers to tell you what to do with them, and you get xenobots? Well, kind of yes and no at this point. It’s a fascinating area. What are xenobots? What does the name “xenobot” bring

Xenobots: can you really make living robots from stem cells? Read More »

Multipotent and totipotent vs pluripotent stem cells

Multipotent & totipotent vs pluripotent stem cells, very early human embryos totipotent stem cells

What’s the difference between multipotent stem cells, totipotent stem cells, and pluripotent stem cells? The goal of today’s post is to help you learn and be clear on the differences. What’s in this article Definition of stem cells |Totipotent vs pluripotent stem cells | Pluripotent stem cells | Multipotent stem cells | The best kind of stem

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Weekly reads: stem cells for spina bifida & diabetes trials, pubs

arthur the dog helps test stem cells for spina bifida

It’s always great when there’s good news in the stem cell field and a new trial of stem cells for spina bifida here at UC Davis School of Medicine is very encouraging. So I’ll lead off with this story. Stem cells for spina bifida This pioneering work is led by Drs. Diana Farmer and Aijun

Weekly reads: stem cells for spina bifida & diabetes trials, pubs Read More »