Search Results for: lawsuit

Will Lawsuit Against PubPeer Chill Post-Pub Review?


Post-publication (post-pub) review is arguably one of the most innovative developments in scientific publishing in the past few years, including at the site PubPeer. An illustration of the widespread influence of post-pub review is the fact that PubMed recently started allowing readers to post comments about any paper.  Post-pub review drove the rapid debunking of the […]

Will Lawsuit Against PubPeer Chill Post-Pub Review? Read More »

StemCells, Inc. Faces Lawsuit With Serious Allegations


StemCells, Inc. is one of those stem cell-related biotech companies that we in the field hope will become a big success and help many patients in the future via stem cell technology. There are a lot of obstacles facing such companies. Some are privately held, while others such as StemCells, Inc. are publicly traded (stock

StemCells, Inc. Faces Lawsuit With Serious Allegations Read More »

MiMedx (MDXG) placental “stem cell magnet” drugs attract FDA attention and lawsuit

ABC News just reported that the FDA is allgedly “cracking down” on the publicly traded company, MiMedx (MDXG), which sells a placental derivative touted for healing powers. The Wall Street Journal is also following the story. According to ABC News: MiMedx is a publically traded, for-profit company that takes donated human placentas — solicited via a website featuring

MiMedx (MDXG) placental “stem cell magnet” drugs attract FDA attention and lawsuit Read More »

Q & A with Celltex on lawsuits between it and RNL Bio/Biostar: part 1

I’ve asked Celltex a few questions about the lawsuits between it and RNL Bio/Biostar.  I appreciate their willingness to engage on this. Note, I’m also hoping to obtain contact information for RNL Bio/Biostar to ask them some questions too. Below are my questions and the Celltex answers, hopefully part 1 of 2 parts with the 2nd

Q & A with Celltex on lawsuits between it and RNL Bio/Biostar: part 1 Read More »

Judge dismisses ES cell lawsuit! Victory for patients and science

Judge Lamberth today issued a final ruling and dismissed the lawsuit by Jame Sherley against federal funding of ES cell research. This is a huge victory for science and for patients! While the plaintiffs can appeal to the Supreme Court, it seems increasingly unlikely they will succeed. A great day! Paul

Judge dismisses ES cell lawsuit! Victory for patients and science Read More »

Appeals court dismisses lawsuit against ES cell research, but this was a different lawsuit

A federal appeals court today threw out a lawsuit against federal funding of ES cell research. The lawsuit reportedly was filed on behalf of all cryopreserved embryos in the U.S. and the ruling was issued by the US Court of the Appeals of the 4th Circuit. While this decision does not directly have anything to

Appeals court dismisses lawsuit against ES cell research, but this was a different lawsuit Read More »

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does


Dr. James Sherley, the scientist behind the lawsuit against federally-funded ES cell research, has penned an opinion piece in The Daily Caller today calling on NIH to, in his words, ‘do the right thing.’ However, what Sherley is really asking is for the NIH, other stem cell scientists, and all Americans to think like he

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does Read More »

Liveyon leader John Kosolcharoen pleads to federal felony charges on stem cells

John Kosolcharoen, Liveyon

The stem cell clinic arena is a Wild West but perhaps few have been wilder than the perinatal stem cell clinic firm Liveyon run by John Kosolcharoen. Now John Kosolcharoen has pleaded guilty to felony charges related to Liveyon’s activities including distribution of an unapproved cell therapy drug. He will be sentenced next month. This

Liveyon leader John Kosolcharoen pleads to federal felony charges on stem cells Read More »

Weekly stem cell reads: AI-human hybrids, eye drops, Cell Surgical Network case delay

Seven_of_nine, Borg, stem cell

Before we jump into our weekly stem cell and regenerative medicine reads, check out my new video on our stem cell YouTube channel below on robots with human brain tissue. In that video, I discuss the integration of computers and other technologies into the human body. When involving the brain, these technologies are often called

Weekly stem cell reads: AI-human hybrids, eye drops, Cell Surgical Network case delay Read More »