Search Results for: organoids

A TGIF weekend reading list of new stem cell pubs & headlines


In case you have some free time for reading this week, here’s a list containing an assortment of interesting research articles and stem cell headlines. I’ve thrown some oddballs in there too including one article from May 1983, when I was just finishing up junior high. No, I didn’t write it. And no the headline […]

A TGIF weekend reading list of new stem cell pubs & headlines Read More »

Good stem cell news on trials, FDA, cool new papers & more


In the whirlwind that is the stem cell and regenerative medicine world, there are many concerning things that need attention, but also good stuff happens too and this post focuses on the positive. The Asterias spinal cord injury clinical trial, a phase 1/2a trial called SCiStar, continues to make encouraging news with a clean safety profile

Good stem cell news on trials, FDA, cool new papers & more Read More »

Grading my stem cell predictions for 2016: how’d I do?


Below are the 2016 stem cell predictions I made last year and their status now color-coded near year’s end. Green is right, orange is mixed bag, and red is flat out wrong. Overall, I did better than most past years with only having entirely blown it on four. Stay tuned later this week for my 2017 predictions,

Grading my stem cell predictions for 2016: how’d I do? Read More »