Search Results for: rmat

Spicy stem cell pathways & other recommended reads

Nociceptor-mediated HSC mobilization. "Schematic representation showing that nociceptive-nerve-derived CGRP, but not substance P, acts via CGRP receptors on HSCs to enhance their mobilization via a cAMP-mediated signalling pathway. "Gao et al Nature, Capsaicin acts via nociceptor signaling to mobilize blood stem cells.

The stem cell paper of the week is a fun one about how capsaicin and nociceptors reportedly mobilize blood stem cells.  However, since the authors only show this in mice, could it also happen in humans? They argue it’s likely happening in people too. Note that nociceptors are special structures in our bodies that sense

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What are totipotent stem cells & what can they do?

Multipotent & totipotent vs pluripotent stem cells, very early human embryos totipotent stem cells

Sometimes patients or my students ask me, “What are the best stem cells?” what information are they looking for? I think they often are looking for the most powerful stem cells so perhaps they should be asking, “What are totipotent stem cells?” Other times it seems what patients specifically want to know is what might

What are totipotent stem cells & what can they do? Read More »

Mesoblast stock hit on gloomy data on stem cells for COVID-19

mesoblast ceo dr silvio itescu

I’ve been closely following the arena of stem cells for COVID-19 since the pandemic broke including the efforts of Mesoblast. Mesoblast unlikely to meet primary endpoints in Phase III COVID trial Now, the firm got bad news as its DSMB reported that they are unlikely to meet the primary endpoint for their Phase III trial

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Prop 14 California: Big Expectations for CIRM 3.0

cirm prop 14 california millan allday knoepfler

Approval of Prop 14 California last month to renew CIRM was one of the biggest state election developments of 2020. Yet it didn’t get much news coverage somehow. The exception is David Jensen over at California Stem Cell Report, who has been a great source of information about the various news surrounding Prop 14 and

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Our Educational Mission on The Niche Stem Cell Site


Our mission here on The Niche is primarily educational. We aim to make a transformative difference in educating readers across the globe about stem cells, regenerative medicine, and innovative biomedical science more generally including CRISPR gene editing. A major part of that mission involves fact-checking various medical claims about stem cells and other biologics like

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Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers

lu et al nature eye regeneration

This week we have some interesting new reading including both on the stem cell basic and translational fronts as well as on COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine considerations From Derek Lowe at In The Pipeline on COVID-19 vaccine expectations at Science Translational Medicine, Get Ready for False Side Effects. You can read my views on possible

Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers Read More »

Perspectives on Biohackers and DIY CRISPR

biohackers series sm

How should we view biohackers and their DIY use of CRISPR outside of the traditional industry or academic lab environment? Introduction to “Biohackers” and DIY CRISPR Who are biohackers exactly? They are people who “hack” their own biology by transforming their bodies through the insertion of technology or modification of their DNA. More rarely, biohackers

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