Search Results for: rmat

FDA approves ACT’s second stem cell trial for blindness

Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) announced that the FDA has approved their second human ES cell-based clinical trial, a combined Phase I/II, for the treatment of blindness. As a result, soon ACT will have two active, human ES cell-based clinical trials, both using the same human ES cell-based drug. The aim of the 2nd trial is […]

FDA approves ACT’s second stem cell trial for blindness Read More »

From genes to chemicals: iPS cell field, reprogramming in transition


Sheng Ding’s lab reports today in Cell Stem Cell (you can read it here) that they have replaced all genetic factors in a new iPS cell reprogramming method except Oct4. The other factors were replaced by chemical compounds. Thus, we continue a major transition in the iPS cell field away from genes and toward chemicals.

From genes to chemicals: iPS cell field, reprogramming in transition Read More »

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells


If IPS cells are not ready for prime time, it is probably due to these three critical challenges for these amazing cells. TUMORIGENICITY Those of us who work with IPS cells are very excited about their potential for use in regenerative medicine therapies. One serious hurdle we have talked about in the past is tumorigenicity.

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells Read More »

Tumorigenicity and Pluripotency teased apart? Not yet for Myc


A paper just came out in PNAS entitled “Promotion of direct reprogramming by transformation-deficient Myc“. The main thrust of this paper is that the tumorigenic and pluripotency-related functions of Myc could be separated. It focused primarily on the lesser studied LMyc. The topic of the intertwined good (pluripotency) and bad (tumorigenicity) functions of Myc, addressed

Tumorigenicity and Pluripotency teased apart? Not yet for Myc Read More »