Search Results for: stem cell biotech

Interview with Fredrik Lanner who is CRISPR’ing healthy human embryos


In the past year there has been a great deal of attention given to the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 for gene editing in human embryos. An important recent development, described in a new NPR article by Rob Stein, is the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in healthy human embryos for developmental biology research by assistant professor Fredrik […]

Interview with Fredrik Lanner who is CRISPR’ing healthy human embryos Read More »

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR


By Gaetan Burgio CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has dramatically changed our way to perform biological experiments. While highly efficient and easy to use, one limitation with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing technology is the occurrence of off-target effects and the restriction of the PAM recognition sequence. Many modifications from the original system have been proposed to improve

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR Read More »

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France


By Elliot Hosman Summary.  A campaign calling for a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos was launched by a prominent French organization fighting for narrow understandings of life and family. A recent campaign calling for a ban on “transgenic” human embryos was launched by one of France’s most prominent organizations fighting for “science”-backed “one-man-one-woman”

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France Read More »

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR?


2020 Update: early NgAgo reports have been mostly discredited and there is doubt on its function as a gene-editing method. What could be better than CRISPR for gene editing? A new genetic modification technology called NgAgo has some researchers really excited. How does it compare to CRISPR? I’ll admit it that as a scientist who works on

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR? Read More »

ViaCyte on the Rise: First Diabetes Trial Data & Acquires BetaLogics IP

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Clinical research on Type I Diabetes is one of the most exciting and promising areas of stem cells and regenerative medicine for human disease. Two of the coolest companies out there in this arena have been ViaCyte and BetaLogics (owned by J&J). For more on ViaCyte see my interview with President and CEO Paul Laikind

ViaCyte on the Rise: First Diabetes Trial Data & Acquires BetaLogics IP Read More »

Patent expert weighs in on CRISPR dispute between UC & Broad


The patent dispute on CRISPR between UC/Jennifer Doudna and The Broad/Feng Zhang has been the subject of major attention including in a recent piece on Stanford Center for Law & Biosciences Blog. There is a lot of confusion over this important CRISPR dispute so I turned to a patent expert for their take on this via an interview

Patent expert weighs in on CRISPR dispute between UC & Broad Read More »

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification


I’ve written a new book on human genetic modification. This is my second book as the first one was Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, which is currently the top stem cell book on Amazon. The new book is called GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies.  You can pre-order it here at Amazon or over here at my publisher’s

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification Read More »

Why interview Steven Pinker on my blog if I strongly disagree with him?


Earlier this week I posted an interview with Steven Pinker on CRISPR, human germline modification, and bioethics. With only a few exceptions, I strongly disagree with Pinker’s philosophy in these areas and I knew going into the interview that his answers would likely go against my own views. I also expected the interview would anger

Why interview Steven Pinker on my blog if I strongly disagree with him? Read More »