Search Results for: ted talk

LA Times Shines Some Light on Stem Cell Clinics including StemGenex


A large and growing number of American clinics are selling stem cells to patients for a variety of ills and one in the San Diego area called StemGenex was the main focus of a recent LA Times piece by columnist Michael Hiltzik. In the piece called “These new stem cell treatments are expensive — and […]

LA Times Shines Some Light on Stem Cell Clinics including StemGenex Read More »

September FDA stem cell meeting looks to be big debate


That much-anticipated public FDA stem cell meeting that was postponed from April will now take place in September and will have a much larger array of diverse speakers. Many more voices at an FDA stem cell meeting are collectively a good thing, but delay is not. The large and growing U.S. stem cell clinic industry makes

September FDA stem cell meeting looks to be big debate Read More »

Some stem cell clinics respond to Cell Stem Cell paper with ‘not me, them’


There has been relatively limited response from clinics themselves to the Cell Stem Cell paper that Leigh Turner and I published recently on the scope of the stem cell clinic industry in the U.S.  We found 570 stem cell clinics and there could easily be 50-100 more that escaped our search methods or that have

Some stem cell clinics respond to Cell Stem Cell paper with ‘not me, them’ Read More »

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France


By Elliot Hosman Summary.  A campaign calling for a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos was launched by a prominent French organization fighting for narrow understandings of life and family. A recent campaign calling for a ban on “transgenic” human embryos was launched by one of France’s most prominent organizations fighting for “science”-backed “one-man-one-woman”

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France Read More »

Shinya Yamanaka at #ISSCR2016 on reprogramming of cells & scientists


The second day of ISSCR 2016 started off with a great session on pluripotency and plasticity, and the first talk was by Shinya Yamanaka. He changed the title of his talk to “Reprogramming of Cells and Scientist”. As with my other posts on this meeting, this one is a stream of quotes and impressions from

Shinya Yamanaka at #ISSCR2016 on reprogramming of cells & scientists Read More »

The backstory on my opinion piece in SF Chronicle critical of CIRM lobbying


Today an opinion piece that I wrote about CIRM was published in the San Francisco Chronicle. The unusual element here is that the article is critical of CIRM. More specifically I raised concerns about a recent political trend at CIRM under its new President Randy Mills lobbying for dramatically weaker stem cell regulatory oversight. The Chronicle piece was first posted

The backstory on my opinion piece in SF Chronicle critical of CIRM lobbying Read More »

Stroke story stem cell hype analysis: 9 very different headlines


I wrote yesterday about two cases of science media hype on CRISPR and on stem cells for strokes. The latter case on stem cell hype stirred the most discussion and even some harsh words in the comments. As this stem cell stroke story on an encouraging but very small, preliminary study has unfolded across the

Stroke story stem cell hype analysis: 9 very different headlines Read More »