Search Results for: ted talk

Ten lab pet peeves: elephant in the lab series


Today I’m posting about pet peeves in the science lab. Who doesn’t have some of those? And, yeah, we are all probably guilty at one time or another of driving other people a bit nuts with our own idiosyncrasies that are their pet peeves. This post is another in my “Elephant in the Lab” series about difficult, but important […]

Ten lab pet peeves: elephant in the lab series Read More »

New stem cell clinic ‘National Institutes for Regenerative Medicine’ has NIH-like name, cites UCSD affiliation


Some American stem cell clinics that operate without FDA approval can give the appearance of being in the mainstream of academic stem cell research. Sometimes they go a step further to hint at or even say that they have some kind of federal approval as we saw in the past with the website. Why

New stem cell clinic ‘National Institutes for Regenerative Medicine’ has NIH-like name, cites UCSD affiliation Read More »

George Church on Germline Human Genetic Modification


I recently interviewed leading genomics scientist George Church on the ways that trends in genomics are changing our world. We also discussed the possibility of heritable human genetic modification. These days we more often call this “CRISPR babies.” His answers suggest that genomics and gene editing are poised to radically change our world. They could literally

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ViaCyte CEO Laikind Interview: Trial Update, Melton, & Future

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

It’s been exciting to watch the recent developments in using stem cells as the basis for treatments for Type I Diabetes. One of the major players in this arena is the privately-held company, ViaCyte. In this post, I interview ViaCyte President and CEO, Paul Laikind. The topics include their VC-01 product, the Encaptra device, an update on

ViaCyte CEO Laikind Interview: Trial Update, Melton, & Future Read More »

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium @UCDAVIS


On Thursday here at UC Davis School of Medicine we held our second annual Stem Cell Ethics Symposium. The symposium was organized by Drs. Mark Yarborough and Nanette Joyce as well as me. In this post I report on key take homes from the meeting and summarize the specific talks. As far as I know, this is one of the few

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium @UCDAVIS Read More »

Nature Biased News Coverage of 3-Person IVF


NatureNews is a science news outlet so I’ve been wondering what the heck the deal is with their strongly biased news coverage of the mitochondrial transfer 3-person IVF technology debate. By way of context, I like NatureNews and am a regular reader, but their coverage of the mitochondrial transfer debate has been completely one-sided and inaccurate. Their

Nature Biased News Coverage of 3-Person IVF Read More »

Stem cell clinics, FDA, & giant, unapproved for-profit human experiments


When I started blogging in 2010 the stem cell arena was a very different place including the fact I could count the number of US stem cell clinics on one hand. This blog, called The Niche for many years, was just “Knoepfler Stem Cell Blog” back then. Also, back then the hot topic was the

Stem cell clinics, FDA, & giant, unapproved for-profit human experiments Read More »

Silva Comments on MBD3/NuRD Debate with Jacob Hanna


What’s the deal with the tension between José Silva and Jacob Hanna over pluripotency? Researchers probing how to reprogram cells into powerful stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cells or IPSCs) and what the molecular mechanisms are behind this process have become entangled in a conflict. Of course over the years scientists including stem cell scientists have

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