Search Results for: ted talk

Jailbreak Cell Fate to Reprogram Stem Cells


You can jailbreak your iPhone, but perhaps you can jailbreak a cell too to turn it into a stem cell. In his very cool talk up here at the Till & McCulloch Meeting on Stem Cells yesterday, Andras Nagy characterized the reprogramming process to make iPS cells as “jailbreaking” cell fate. Nagy described some intriguing studies done on […]

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Jacob Hanna on Radically Deterministic Reprogramming @TMM2013

What is “radically deterministic” cellular reprogramming? Jacob Hanna’s lab recently published a very high profile Nature paper on nearly 100% efficient iPS cell formation based on targeting a factor called Mbd3. This super efficiency is a major departure from past reported efficiencies. This morning here at the Till & McCulloch Stem Cell Meeting in Banff,

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Questions List to Bring With You to the Stem Cell Clinic

Many patients ask me what questions they should be asking doctors and stem cell clinics about possible stem cell therapies. Here is my top 10 list of key items (in both graphic summarized form and detailed text form) that you need to know about and questions about a potential stem cell therapy. Some of these

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Japan Aiming For a Commanding Position on New Stem Cells


Stem cell technology is poised to wow the world with biomedical advances in the coming decades and Japan wants to lead the way. They want to forge ahead particularly with applications that focus on a relatively new kind of stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. Japanese researcher, Shinya Yamanaka, first reported production

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Patient Advisory: Sneaking Stem Cells Out of USA May Be Illegal Smuggling

Some stem cell clinics are pressuring their own patients into potentially breaking federal law through something like smuggling. A big problem for certain clinics is how to bring the paying American customer (i.e. the patient) and the biological product that they are selling derived from the patient’s stem cells together outside the reach of the

Patient Advisory: Sneaking Stem Cells Out of USA May Be Illegal Smuggling Read More »