Search Results for: ted talk

Stem cells for a better sex life? Part 1 overview


The stem cell field is seeing stem cells increasingly advertised as the basis for improving people’s lives in countless ways, including a better sex life. Some of the hope for stem cells making life better is legit, while other stuff is bogus. One area that is getting significant attention commercially is how stem cell interventions

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New FDA IntelliCell Audit Report: A Lot of Work to Do

IntelliCell BioSciences, Inc. of New York, a clinical stem cell establishment, has had a rough time of it lately. For example, a recent piece of bad news is that there is an impending foreclosure sale of the company’s assets. What exactly that means for the company more broadly remains unknown, but a few people tell me (take this

New FDA IntelliCell Audit Report: A Lot of Work to Do Read More »

Where’s the Beef? Reality Check on Test Tube Burger Baloney


What is the deal with the crazy hullaballoo over the so-called stem cell test tube burger? On the surface, this pseudo-burger sounds kinda cool in a geeky, comic book kind of way, but when I dug just a little deeper, it turns out I’m left asking: where’s the beef? After the burger was mentioned briefly on

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Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1


Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg is a stem cell pioneer and has advanced the development of innovative stem cell therapies including those based on umbilical cord blood. She is a faculty member at Duke where she conducts her clinical research. I recently interviewed Dr. Kurtzberg and below is Part 1 of 2 of the interview. Part 2,

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1 Read More »

Stem Cells An Insider’s Guide: More on My New Book

In about a month my new book, Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, should be available as an e-book from the publisher and from Amazon. It’s available for pre-order now at Amazon here. The “real” book (i.e. the one made of paper) should be available in September. The book costs $29. Any writers out there interested in doing

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