Search Results for: ted talk

Putting the IP in iPS cells: patent war looming?


Will intellectual property (IP) wars over patent rights to one of the most exciting new stem cell technologies hold back getting novel therapies to patients such as IPS cells? Unfortunately, it’s very possible. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are very cool stem cells made from non-stem cells through a process called cellular reprogramming. iPS  cells

Putting the IP in iPS cells: patent war looming? Read More »

Go ahead & blog about Dr. Famous’ sexy, but crappy paper, most people say

I recently did a poll (still running here) about a hypothetical stem cell hotshot called Dr. Famous who might have published a recent paper that was sexy, but crappy. This situation sure rang a bell with a lot of people! In fact, a half dozen people contacted me directly (and privately) to talk about it

Go ahead & blog about Dr. Famous’ sexy, but crappy paper, most people say Read More »

Jeanne Loring interview: optimism on clinical translation of IPS cells


One of my favorite stem cell scientists is Jeanne Loring of Scripps. She does great science and when you ask her questions, she frankly states her opinions and is clearly a gifted educator at heart too. Below is a Q&A interview I did with Jeanne on key issues of clinical translation of iPS cells. You

Jeanne Loring interview: optimism on clinical translation of IPS cells Read More »

As iPS cell studies in humans approach, accessible relevant pre-clinical data remains minimal

IPS cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, Knoepfler lab, stained for TRA-1-60, an ES cell marker., where do stem cells come from?

When are iPS cell-based therapies ready to be tested in actual people? It’s the million or perhaps even billion dollar question of today in the stem cell field. I realize that perhaps it is also a dangerous question, politically-speaking, for me to ask in a public forum, but patient lives as well as potentially the

As iPS cell studies in humans approach, accessible relevant pre-clinical data remains minimal Read More »

8 simple reasons not to get a non-compliant stem cell treatment: #6 jeopardizing ownership of your cells

In my series eight simple reasons to pause before getting an unlicensed treatment from a non-compliant clinic I have covered the first five: (1) potential loss of insurance coverage for negative outcomes that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, (2)  failure of patient follow up by the doctors and clinics, (3) exclusion from future clinical trial participation, (4) undesired

8 simple reasons not to get a non-compliant stem cell treatment: #6 jeopardizing ownership of your cells Read More »


I’ve been fortunate to interview some of the greats in the stem cell field for this blog and host debates between key players. Please note that just because I have interviewed folks does not mean I agree with them or that they agree with me. The point is to establish dialogue on key issues. As

Interviews Read More »

My top 3 favorite CIRM elevator pitches

CIRM recently held an “elevator pitch” (also sometimes known as an “elevator speech”) contest amongst its grantees. The San Francisco Chronicle even covered this contest (and also here). Kevin McCormack, Sr. Director of Public Communications and Patient Advocate Outreach at CIRM, described the contest in, appropriately enough, a speech. As best as I can tell 56 scientists participated. By way

My top 3 favorite CIRM elevator pitches Read More »

Eight simple reasons not to get an unlicensed stem cell treatment: #5, lack of physician training

Would you want a GI specialist doing your heart surgery? How about a radiologist doing your brain surgery? I wouldn’t. So why then do so many patients accept that the doctor doing their stem cell transplant has no training in that area? I’m doing a series on eight simple reasons not to get an unlicensed

Eight simple reasons not to get an unlicensed stem cell treatment: #5, lack of physician training Read More »