Search Results for: ted talk

‘Adventurous’ woman sought to carry Neanderthal baby: candidate for dumbest stem cell story of 2013 already pops up

The headline reads: ‘Adventurous’ woman sought to carry Neanderthal baby Supposedly Harvard Geneticist George Church, according to Der Spiegel magazine (and gazillions of other mainstream media outlets that translated the German piece including here), wants to clone a Neanderthal baby using an unholy combination of stem cell and genetics technologies. The only problem is that Church […]

‘Adventurous’ woman sought to carry Neanderthal baby: candidate for dumbest stem cell story of 2013 already pops up Read More »

The model of a patient advocate: what are the key elements of success?

I deal with many patient advocates and that is one of my favorite parts of my job. They are wonderful! However some go above and beyond the call of duty and are model advocates in my opinion. Others do some great things, but also some negative things such as attacking the FDA publicly, which serves

The model of a patient advocate: what are the key elements of success? Read More »

Some thoughts on the Araki Nature iPS cell paper: an advance, but a few key caveats

I’ve already talked with science writer Ed Yong about the new Nature paper Araki, et al. (you can read Ed’s well-written piece here and you can another one on it by another one of my favorite writers, Monya Baker here), which suggests that iPS cells don’t trigger much in the way of an immune response. I

Some thoughts on the Araki Nature iPS cell paper: an advance, but a few key caveats Read More »

Series on scientific & bioethics leaders discussing human reproductive cloning

In the coming weeks and months, I am going to run a series of posts (some interviews, some guest posts) on human reproductive cloning. This is the kind of cloning where you take a person (living or dead) such as, let’s say Lady GaGa or Jesus, and you try to make a duplicate new human

Series on scientific & bioethics leaders discussing human reproductive cloning Read More »

Nuggets and pyrite in Businessweek article on Celltex

Businessweek just published a very long, interesting article on Celltex by Susan Berfield yesterday. I was happy to talk with Susan at length about the key issues and be quoted in the article. See image at left of two key Celltex leaders, David Eller, CEO of Celltex, and Stan Jones above (Photograph by Thomas Prior

Nuggets and pyrite in Businessweek article on Celltex Read More »

Barbra Streisand: stem cell advocate

Yesterday I was visiting L.A. and happened by the Walk of Fame, seeing many stars including the one of Barbra Streisand (below). Streisand has been doing interviews (see article here ) for both TV and newspapers regarding her advocacy for heart disease research for women. Interestingly, this interest of Streisand’s directly involves stem cells according to

Barbra Streisand: stem cell advocate Read More »