Search Results for: ted talk

While my gel was running….advice for success in science to newbies

What does it take to succeed in science? Here are some key ingredients in my opinion after 22 years in academic science. Passion. One important ingredient that we cannot necessarily change significantly about ourselves, but that I think nonetheless is crucial for success, is a true excitement for science. Sometimes people even go so far

While my gel was running….advice for success in science to newbies Read More »

A trifecta of wins against stem cell tourism: 60 Minutes, FDA, and China

In a matter of just a few days we saw three big positive moves against stem cell tourism that will no doubt make a big difference even if there is a long slog ahead against dubious stem cell clinics trying to exploit patients. First, we had the 60 Minutes broadcast on Sunday containing a segment against

A trifecta of wins against stem cell tourism: 60 Minutes, FDA, and China Read More »

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode

Last night 60 Minutes broadcasted ( you can watch the episode here) a long awaited 2nd segment in their continuing investigation of stem cell fraud. The first segment investigating phony doctors Stowe and Morales led to their ultimate pursuit by the FBI and indictment, aired in a couple years ago. The new episode on stem

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode Read More »

Anti-stem cell extremists attack Univ. of Minnesota and specific scientists

The anti-stem cell folks have the University of Minnesota in their crosshairs of late, even making personal attacks on specific stem cell scientists. What the heck? Let me explain what is going on. The propaganda arm of the anti-stem/anti-women’s rights movement is the National Right to Life News (NRLN). This is one of those extremist

Anti-stem cell extremists attack Univ. of Minnesota and specific scientists Read More »

Unprovoked UC Davis Police Attack Peaceful Student Protestors: some perspectives

I usually stick to science on this blog, but Friday’s events on my campus compel me to take a moment to discuss what happened. I am proud of our school and to be a member of the UC Davis faculty. I’m proud of our students too. I am shocked and disappointed at the events that

Unprovoked UC Davis Police Attack Peaceful Student Protestors: some perspectives Read More »