Search Results for: ted talk

Stem cell tourism disaster coming: my case for caution


Stem Cell Tourism is a blanket term now used to refer to patients receiving non-FDA approved stem cell treatments either by traveling here within the U.S. or more often outside the U.S. Clinics are sprouting up all over the world offering treatments based on stem cells. The science behind these is often non-existent. Most stem […]

Stem cell tourism disaster coming: my case for caution Read More »

California pays its sports coaches alone more than the entire payroll of CIRM


There has been a largely media-fed hullabaloo about the salary for the new Chair of CIRM, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, $400,000. Now don’t get me wrong, that sounds like a lot of money to me personally, but we need to put it in perspective and when we do, the salary is reasonable and

California pays its sports coaches alone more than the entire payroll of CIRM Read More »

Stem cell tourism: from bad to worse from 2010-2011

Irv Weissman, immune rejuvenation

At last year’s ISSCR 2010 Meeting in San Francisco, President Irv Weissman talked about the dangers of unvalidated stem cell treatments. He talked about the responsibility of stem cell scientists to stand against these and the importance for scientists not to endorse or serve on advisory committees of companies peddling such products and “therapies”. As

Stem cell tourism: from bad to worse from 2010-2011 Read More »

Portraying sci-fi about stem cells and aging as reality: unhelpful hype

I believe that stem cells may at some point allow people to live slightly longer, maybe a couple years on average. However, I think they have the potential to dramatically increase the quality of life during the time we are alive.  My colleague Amy Adams over at the CIRM research blog had a great post

Portraying sci-fi about stem cells and aging as reality: unhelpful hype Read More »

Thinking on your feet: practical suggestions for creating and using a standing workstation

You know how when people give you bad news they ask “Are you sitting down?” Since I’m going to give you some good news in this post, I ask you now as you are reading this, are you standing up? We are constantly bombarded with news stories about what is bad for us. Some of

Thinking on your feet: practical suggestions for creating and using a standing workstation Read More »

The anti-stem cell Crusade: how many lives will it cost?

During the Crusades almost a thousand years ago, millions of people were slaughtered predominantly in the name of spreading one religious belief. One could call it an extreme, lethal form of exerting the power of one belief, a sort of power-grabbing proselytizing using weapons such as swords. Those barbaric Crusades seem like a long time

The anti-stem cell Crusade: how many lives will it cost? Read More »

The Genomics Revolution: move over blood type, here comes your genotype

As I am writing this, a revolution in medicine and science is building up steam around the world called Genomics. Let me clue you in so you do not miss the boat on this dramatic change coming in our lives. Genomics means the study of genomes. A genome is the complete sequence of an organism’s DNA,

The Genomics Revolution: move over blood type, here comes your genotype Read More »

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients

What will we define as a success for any given stem cell biotech? In academia, even if we do pre-clinical, translational kind of biomedical sciences, we still do not often think about what it takes to succeed in industry. Even if we very much want our research to make a difference for patients, do we

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients Read More »

Stem cells gone wild? What really happens after a transplant


What really happens to cells after they a stem cell transplant into a patient? Once these cells, which have spent weeks in a lab environment, are injected into a person, what happens next? This is arguably the most important question in the regenerative medicine field, but there are few answers. We are literally mostly in

Stem cells gone wild? What really happens after a transplant Read More »

What are stem cells? Definition & what they are used for

neural stem cells, stem cell therapy

I’ve been lecturing on stem cells as a professor here at UC Davis School of Medicine for many years so I can answer common questions such as “What are stem cells?”. The medical students ask many great questions. They are always interested in clinical applications. The goal of today’s article is to help you have

What are stem cells? Definition & what they are used for Read More »