Search Results for: ted talk

Oklahoma leaders: ES cell research is not OK


The Oklahoma State Legislature is reportedly poised to potentially pass an outright ban of ES cell research. While in the past similar legislation was vetoed by previous Oklahoma Governor, Democrat Brad Henry, current Republican Governor Mary Fallin is likely to sign the legislation. The Oklahoman newspaper website today contains a factually incorrect, inflammatory piece by

Oklahoma leaders: ES cell research is not OK Read More »

The Inside Scoop on iPS cells early in 2011

It’s been more than 4 years since Shinya Yamanaka published the remarkable finding that his lab could transform or “reprogram” regular cells called fibroblasts into a very unique state that was quite similar to that of embryonic stem cells (ESC).  Yamanaka called these new cells “iPS cells” for induced pluripotent stem cells. Since that time,

The Inside Scoop on iPS cells early in 2011 Read More »

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells


If IPS cells are not ready for prime time, it is probably due to these three critical challenges for these amazing cells. TUMORIGENICITY Those of us who work with IPS cells are very excited about their potential for use in regenerative medicine therapies. One serious hurdle we have talked about in the past is tumorigenicity.

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells Read More »

How many scientist bloggers does it take to change a light bulb?


One question I am frequently asked by readers and colleagues is “what other stem cell blogs or bloggers can you recommend that are written by a stem cell scientist and updated on a regular basis?” The simple but surprising answer: there are none. It’s lonely out here in cyberspace! (2020 update: The good news today

How many scientist bloggers does it take to change a light bulb? Read More »

Why scientists must be advocates too: Jeff Sheehy


CIRM Board Member, Jeff Sheehy, has a wonderful piece in Nature Medicine on why patient advocates play a critical role in decision making on research priorities (hat tip to Amy Adams who first blogged on Sheehy’s piece). Patient advocates bring a unique and valuable perspective to the table. Their role in guiding CIRM research funding

Why scientists must be advocates too: Jeff Sheehy Read More »

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does


Dr. James Sherley, the scientist behind the lawsuit against federally-funded ES cell research, has penned an opinion piece in The Daily Caller today calling on NIH to, in his words, ‘do the right thing.’ However, what Sherley is really asking is for the NIH, other stem cell scientists, and all Americans to think like he

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does Read More »

Anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field


Here an anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field in an interview with me. Of course I have to ask you about the recent U.S. court ruling essentially declaring all federal funding of human ES cell work illegal. What’s your take on this? ANSWER: The ruling has so many flaws in it.

Anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field Read More »