Search Results for: us stem cell

Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients?


Is the largest affiliated group of stem cell clinics in America, Cell Surgical Network, now using laboratory-proliferated stem cells in patients? Do they already have some kind of final FDA approval for this clinical approach given that lab-grown stem cells are generally viewed as drugs requiring premarket approval? Over the years I’ve reached out to […]

Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients? Read More »

2nd lawsuit alleging a U.S. stem cell clinic caused blindness


Concerns over stem cell clinics allegedly causing blindness or other vision problems have been increasing in 2016. If this is in fact happening, the extra sad part of this is that some clinics have claimed that they are doing the opposite: improving vision in patients. What are the concerns? Earlier this year a publicly-traded stem

2nd lawsuit alleging a U.S. stem cell clinic caused blindness Read More »

No radical life extension, says Nature paper, but Russian gets stem cell infusion to go for it


Any takers on the idea that we can get radical life extension through new technologies like stem cells, organ replacement, cybernetics, or genetic modification? Or just through healthier living in general? A new Nature paper says there’s a natural limit on human lifespan around age 115 and getting past that is just not going to

No radical life extension, says Nature paper, but Russian gets stem cell infusion to go for it Read More »

Where does stem cell business Stemedica go from here after KPBS investigative report?


For quite a while there San Diego-based stem cell business Stemedica had a good run of publicity with reports of high-profile professional sports legends getting stem cells and the media reporting apparent good outcomes for stroke recovery, but more recent times have yielded some different publicity. An investigative report by KPBS reporter David Wagner raised some

Where does stem cell business Stemedica go from here after KPBS investigative report? Read More »

Stem cell news bites: chimeras, Australian clinics, organoids & more


Some recent developments in the stem cell world are worth a look. I’ve posted the headlines verbatim and the links to some of these stem cell news bites below. NIH Plans To Lift Ban On Research Funds For Part-Human, Part-Animal Embryos. NIH may allow funding of human-animal chimeras in certain cases. Stem cell ‘tourists’ flock to

Stem cell news bites: chimeras, Australian clinics, organoids & more Read More »

New paper with Leigh Turner shows huge American stem cell clinic industry: 570 locations

Stem Cell Clinics Map

My colleague Leigh Turner and I today published a new paper in Cell Stem Cell documenting for the first time the American stem cell clinic arena in a comprehensive way, which we found as of February has a remarkable 570 clinic locations via 351 businesses. These numbers are way beyond the predictions of most researchers

New paper with Leigh Turner shows huge American stem cell clinic industry: 570 locations Read More »

Higher apparent stem cell paper retraction rates versus cancer papers


The fast-moving stem cell field has enjoyed remarkable progress in the past 10 years despite some issues such as instances of stem cell paper retraction. This “modern” stem cell era that includes induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSC) has been striking for progress despite some challenges such as issues with publications. As a maturing field it is important

Higher apparent stem cell paper retraction rates versus cancer papers Read More »

Stem cell myths: they are homologous to everything


Some stem cell clinics sometimes use questionable ideas to bypass FDA regulations and I’d go far as to say some of these are outright stem cell myths. One such argument that seems like a myth in my opinion relates to the idea of “homologous use”, which is one of the hottest issues in stem cells in the clinical arena right

Stem cell myths: they are homologous to everything Read More »

Stem cell headlines: half a genome, Australian snake oil, CRISPR patent battle


There’s a lot going on in the world of stem cells making for many striking headlines lately. Here are some stem cell headlines that caught my attention. Haploid Stem Cells Created. Could these cells be used to make germ cells? Charlatans and snake-oil salesmen ‘hijacking stem cell therapies’ in Australia In the CRISPR patent fight, the Broad Institute gains edge. The CRISPR-Cas9 patent

Stem cell headlines: half a genome, Australian snake oil, CRISPR patent battle Read More »

To stem cell clinics: do your homework & take FDA “current thinking” seriously


One of the difficult things about the regulatory sphere that covers stem cells in the US is that many aspects are confusing or puzzling both to the public and so-called experts. We’ve been talking through some of the questions that come up in this area in posts and comments on this blog. What does a warning

To stem cell clinics: do your homework & take FDA “current thinking” seriously Read More »