Search Results for: us stem cell

Reading the tea leaves as new FDA commish Gottlieb blogs on regenerative medicine


New FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, M.D., has in the past touched on stem cells and regenerative medicine therapies in speeches or written comments prior to starting his tenure at the agency. Now that he is Commissioner, he is poised to have direct impact on our field rather quickly and potentially with major changes in […]

Reading the tea leaves as new FDA commish Gottlieb blogs on regenerative medicine Read More »

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help


Hans Keirstead is one of the top stem cell scientists in the world who has been doing cutting edge research including on using stem cells to reverse paralysis where he teamed up with super patient advocate Roman Reed (see the two pictured at right), but now he is also running for Congress. How cool is that?

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help Read More »

Highlights of ISSCR2017 – A Biomedical Engineer’s Perspective


ISSCR meeting review By Agnes Soos Amid the hustle and bustle of downtown Boston, nearly four thousand researchers and exhibitors gathered for the 15th Annual ISSCR Meeting. With presentations from over thirty plenary lectures, and dozens of others featured in concurrent sessions and the daily Innovation Showcases, there definitely was no shortage of exciting research

Highlights of ISSCR2017 – A Biomedical Engineer’s Perspective Read More »

Upbeat prospects for some California clinical trial efforts from CIRM


Over at the California Stem Cell Report, David Jensen is reporting on some good news from CIRM for California on the stem cell clinical trial front. Stem cell biotechs Asterias and Capricor have stem cell trials supported by 20+ million in CIRM funding each and have been hitting milestones. These trials are progressing and so far have good safety

Upbeat prospects for some California clinical trial efforts from CIRM Read More »

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent


Some months back a USPTO court issued a ruling that most interpreted as meaning the Broad Institute had won the so-called ‘CRISPR patent battle’ in the U.S. and that UC Berkeley, Jennifer Doudna, and Emmanuelle Charpentier had lost. Now this week Berkeley has appealed that ruling. It seems the odds are against Berkeley prevailing in its appeal, but frankly

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent Read More »