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Comments are encouraged. Those comments submitted to this blog will be posted at the sole discretion of the editor. Comments also may be edited for content. For example, comments cannot include person attacks, promotional material for stem cell clinics, or other inappropriate content. Commenters are encouraged to use their real names, but anonymous comments are […]

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Where’s the Beef? Reality Check on Test Tube Burger Baloney


What is the deal with the crazy hullaballoo over the so-called stem cell test tube burger? On the surface, this pseudo-burger sounds kinda cool in a geeky, comic book kind of way, but when I dug just a little deeper, it turns out I’m left asking: where’s the beef? After the burger was mentioned briefly on

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What do you think of all chemical reprogramming? Take our poll

How important is the new development of all chemical reprogramming to make iPS cells? The group led by Hongkui Deng at Peking University in Beijing reported in Science that they used 7 chemicals to make what appear to be mouse iPS cells. I’m hearing a wide range of opinions directly from people in the know. What’s

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Jeong Chan Ra Arrest: Can RNL Bio (알앤엘바이오) Survive?


Over at Health in the Global Village, Leigh Turner yesterday published an excellent piece updating us all on the latest news on Korean stem cell company RNL BIo (알앤엘바이오) and its leader, Dr. Jeong Chan Ra (라정찬 ). Addition: The story was reported in several Korean news outlets including Hani here.  A video here by MBC News of Korea, one

Jeong Chan Ra Arrest: Can RNL Bio (알앤엘바이오) Survive? Read More »

Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) Gets Problematic FDA Inspection Report

I have some interest in robotic surgery. About three and a half years ago I had surgery for prostate cancer and my surgeon used the da Vinci robotic surgery device made by Intuitive Surgical Inc (ISRG). At the time, da Vinci seemed new and exciting, but the device and the company have become more well-known

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ACT patent filing for MSCs: of Dancing Mice & Multiple Sclerosis


Is Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) on the road to cure Multiple Sclerosis (MS) using stem cells and specifically MSCs? Some folks seem to think it’s quite possible, but I remain skeptical. Still there have been some interesting developments. ACT has a relatively new patent filing for a mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) product that was just

ACT patent filing for MSCs: of Dancing Mice & Multiple Sclerosis Read More »

Jeanne Loring’s Thought-Provoking Guest Post on Jamie Thomson’s ISSCR Talk

By Jeanne Loring. On Wednesday afternoon at the ISSCR meeting in Boston, Jamie Thomson gave a talk about the history of human pluripotent stem cells. There were probably only a dozen people in the audience of around 3,000 who were working on human ES cells around the same time that Jamie and Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor were

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