Search Results for: us stem cell

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world

Some of the smartest people I have ever met in my life were scientists. But some of these same people made the dumbest mistakes I have ever seen in my life. Why? Their raw brainpower and knowledge of science is amazing, but they seemed to lack common sense and what I would call “science street […]

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world Read More »

More on Big Tent Science: CIRM Grantee Meeting off to an Exciting Start

Earlier I threw out there the idea that many different interested parties should come together to advance science. Something I called “big tent science” and “big tent team science”. I think CIRM is an outstanding example of this idea in action and I could see that in evidence today at the CIRM Grantee Meeting here

More on Big Tent Science: CIRM Grantee Meeting off to an Exciting Start Read More »

Big tent team science: new ideas about clinical trials

As a stem cell scientist I hear all the time about how the pipeline from the lab to the clinic is incredibly slow and terribly inefficient. Meanwhile millions of people have conditions that the current state-of-the-art medicine cannot effectively treat. Somehow we need to make a fundamental change to improve this process. I think one

Big tent team science: new ideas about clinical trials Read More »

Irv Weissman’s early career and the mentors that made the difference for him in his own words

It has been a week to think about mentors and I posted somewhat autobiographically on how to find and be a good mentor a few days ago. Also along these lines, I asked one of the great mentors of all time, Irv Weissman, about his early career and who were the mentors that made the

Irv Weissman’s early career and the mentors that made the difference for him in his own words Read More »

Trying to understand the Catholic ban on the Komen Charity

The Susan G. Komen Foundation is an awesome organization. It has raised nearly $2 billion dollars in less than 2 decades for breast cancer research. It also has a variety of educational programs. This is an organization that has likely saved hundreds of women’s lives and I think will save thousands of lives through its

Trying to understand the Catholic ban on the Komen Charity Read More »

I Still Hate Your Paper: Dr. No and the Editors that are ruining Peer Review


A year ago I did a post on scientific peer review and the dreaded Dr. No, but have things gotten any better? No. From everyone I have talked to, the answer would seem to be quite the contrary–things continue to move in the wrong direction. If you are not a scientist, but care about stem cell

I Still Hate Your Paper: Dr. No and the Editors that are ruining Peer Review Read More »