Search Results for: us stem cell

Weekly reads: $1B Saudi anti-aging push, OCT4 necklace, cancer trial wows, coffee brain

Stem-Cells-Aging, anti-aging

I recently wrote about stem cell-related ideas for anti-aging and even cheating death, but there are of course other approaches including drugs like metformin. A new article outlines a massive research funding plan to tackle aging. Let’s start with that. Recommend reads including anti-aging Saudi Arabia plans to spend $1 billion a year discovering treatments to […]

Weekly reads: $1B Saudi anti-aging push, OCT4 necklace, cancer trial wows, coffee brain Read More »

Review of troubling R3 Stem Cell clinic chain

R3 stem cell

I’ve had concerns about an American unproven clinic firm called R3 Stem Cell for many years. They sell stem cell-related “treatments” via dozens of affiliated locations. I put quotes around treatments for a reason. In my view as a stem cell biologist, there is no good evidence here for claims of treating numerous serious illnesses.

Review of troubling R3 Stem Cell clinic chain Read More »

Fact-checking VSEL stem cells & VSEL treatment

VSELs, vsel ratajczak paper issues

A few people in the stem cell field keep arguing that adult pluripotent stem cells exist, including so-called “very small embryonic-like stem cells” or VSEL stem cells. These days the supposed cells are called VSELs or V-cells too. Only a handful of researchers have ever been able to report finding and studying these cells. Others

Fact-checking VSEL stem cells & VSEL treatment Read More »

Recommended reads: Dux, 3D printed ear brings Vacanti mouse to mind, AMD, more

Vacanti Mouse

Eight years ago two new Nature papers broke on the scene reporting supposed STAP cells with one of the senior authors, Charles Vacanti of Harvard, most well known previously for making the so-called “Vacanti mouse” along with his brother Joseph. The Vacanti mouse had a bioengineered human ear growing on its back. While STAP cells

Recommended reads: Dux, 3D printed ear brings Vacanti mouse to mind, AMD, more Read More »

Cheating death via regenerative medicine or stem cells?


How does one go about cheating death? As I get older, fighting aging seems more relevant. Having battled a potentially fatal cancer also gave me a taste of mortality. In biomedical research, it seems like living longer has become an obsession for some recently. Cheating death with cell therapies or other regenerative approaches? Could stem

Cheating death via regenerative medicine or stem cells? Read More »

Weekly stem cell reads: parabiosis, UC Davis trial, HeLa lawsuit, gray hair

Parabiosis, anti-aging

Parabiosis refers to the joining together of two animals, typically rodents in research. They become one interconnected living system that shares blood. Research on mouse parabiosis has sparked much interest in anti-aging therapies. These might utilize “young” materials to help older people. Our first recommended read is a parabiosis paper. Before we jump into that,

Weekly stem cell reads: parabiosis, UC Davis trial, HeLa lawsuit, gray hair Read More »

One size doesn’t fit all? FDA may soften some cell therapy regs

dr. peter marks, cell therapy

The Pink Sheet just broke the story that the FDA may change up its oversight of the cell therapy space. This possible shift could drop the oversight bar somewhat for certain products. Most likely it’d be those with lower anticipated risks. The Pink Sheet piece by Sue Sutter is titled US FDA To Explore New Regulatory Pathways

One size doesn’t fit all? FDA may soften some cell therapy regs Read More »

MO Rep Patricia Derges already indicted for alleged stem cell scheme, now sued by patient

patricia derges indictment for fake stem cells sm

The news just keeps getting worse for Missouri state lawmaker Patricia Derges, who was indicted last year by the feds for an alleged stem cell scheme. She is now also being sued by a former patient. Derges, who is not a physician but rather an assistant physician, was providing supposed stem cell or related biological

MO Rep Patricia Derges already indicted for alleged stem cell scheme, now sued by patient Read More »