Search Results for: us stem cell

Scandalous stem cell clinic behavior?

Whether it is people or cells, how much control do we really have over their behavior? Very little. The Secret Service is at the center of a huge international scandal involving prostitution and potentially compromised nationally security. Clearly, the Secret Service failed to do their incredibly important job of protecting the President and national security, […]

Scandalous stem cell clinic behavior? Read More »

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells


What’s the deal with the Pepsi stem cell myth? Does Pepsi have stem cells or ingredients from stem cells in it? No. Does the Pepsi corporation use embryonic stem cells to make Pepsi? No. These are myths. Nonetheless, pro-life extremists have been targeting Pepsi because of these fake connections between Pepsi and stem cells as

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells Read More »

My message to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments: time to quit

Lawrence-Stowe, stem cell treatments

Over the past year the FDA and FBI have stepped up their actions related to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments. Most recently we have seen arrests of “Drs.” Morales and Stowe as well as others. Mr. Stowe, who is not a medical doctor, remains a fugitive of the FBI. Has the FBI now effectively

My message to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments: time to quit Read More »

Anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field


Here an anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field in an interview with me. Of course I have to ask you about the recent U.S. court ruling essentially declaring all federal funding of human ES cell work illegal. What’s your take on this? ANSWER: The ruling has so many flaws in it.

Anonymous stem cell scientist frankly answers questions about the field Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cell exhaustion, Lineage Cell trial, Iowa AG wins vs. clinics

stem cells aging, stem cell exhaustion

It’s been an exhausting week for anyone who cares about the NIH and biomedical research, but in today’s weekly reads I want to talk about another kind of fatigue: stem cell exhaustion. Please subscribe to The Niche Before we get into that, I’d like to ask a favor: please subscribe to this site, The Niche.

Weekly reads: stem cell exhaustion, Lineage Cell trial, Iowa AG wins vs. clinics Read More »

Winner of The Screamers Science Hype Award: local TV stations pushing stem cell clinics

The Screamers Award, Science Hype Award

It’s important to pay attention to science hype, which is the rationale for The Screamers Science Hype Awards. As far as I know, it’s the only award for science hype. Exaggerating research and medical potential clearly does harm. I wrote a few weeks ago about the nominees for the 2024 The Screamers Awards. Now it’s

Winner of The Screamers Science Hype Award: local TV stations pushing stem cell clinics Read More »

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in

FDA stem cell oversight

The U.S. Supreme Court could soon have a historic opportunity to limit the scope of FDA stem cell oversight. A large stem cell clinic firm now says it plans to ask SCOTUS to review a case it recently lost on appeal to the FDA. If SCOTUS takes the case, the FDA could find its powers

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in Read More »

Weekly reads: Rusty Gage & stem cell awards, ASCL1, stem cells for a vulture

Rusty Gage

There should be more stem cell awards. Why not recognize more scientists and advocates? I used to do a Stem Cell Person of the Year Award. I have thought about bringing it back. What do you think? Scroll through some past posts on the Stem Cell Person of the Year Award. ISSCR gives out stem

Weekly reads: Rusty Gage & stem cell awards, ASCL1, stem cells for a vulture Read More »

Google AI overviews on stem cells are a bust so far & endanger public health

stem cells for knees

I’ve been wondering how the new Google AI overviews feature on its search platform would turn out for various stem cell searches. Frankly, I had a bad feeling that Google was going to blow this. Unfortunately, it seems even worse than I anticipated. Let’s go through three examples and talk about why this is so

Google AI overviews on stem cells are a bust so far & endanger public health Read More »

Textbook case of bad media on ‘stem cell treatment’ clinic: Kirk Cousins Caribbean trip

Kirk Cousins, stem cell treatment

It’s frustrating to see so much bad media coverage of celebrity trips to clinics to get supposed stem cell treatment of various kinds. Part of the concern here stems from ordinary people taking risks by following the example of the famous people.  Good journalism should ask tough questions, talk to experts, and not yield an

Textbook case of bad media on ‘stem cell treatment’ clinic: Kirk Cousins Caribbean trip Read More »