Search Results for: us stem cell

Surprising new FDA remarks to AABB on cord biologics misuse & stem cell clinics


The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies or AABB recently had a very useful Q&A with the FDA on cord blood use. There are some important new things from the FDA on the marketing and use of cord blood in there. The agency was also quite blunt in some ways about the challenges, […]

Surprising new FDA remarks to AABB on cord biologics misuse & stem cell clinics Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cells for epilepsy from Neurona Therapeutics, diabetes, contagious cancer

Neurona Therapeutics, stem cells for epilepsy

People often ask me what are the most promising stem cell therapies in development and new data suggest we should add stem cells for epilepsy to the list based on work by Neurona Therapeutics. I’ll start off the weekly recommended reads with this new mouse paper on cell therapy for epilepsy. Neurona Therapeutics: stem cells

Weekly reads: stem cells for epilepsy from Neurona Therapeutics, diabetes, contagious cancer Read More »

Stem cell research ethics topics: organoid consciousness & embryo models

brain organoids sm

Someday could human brain organoids get to the point of having organized human-like thoughts? Even consciousness? The more time passes, the less likely I think this is. It’s not impossible, but brain organoids have big limitations in that regard. To be clear, I don’t mean brain organoids having some vaguely human brain-like electrical activity. Even monolayers of

Stem cell research ethics topics: organoid consciousness & embryo models Read More »

Weekly reads: bat stem cells & viruses, Lineage Cell, He Jiankui visa

bat stem cells, stem cells

Occasionally when I write a post there is an angry reaction to it in the blog comments, which was the case for my recent fact-check of the LifeWave X39 patches.  As you can see in that post, I didn’t find convincing data to either back up the claimed stem cell connection. In my opinion, there

Weekly reads: bat stem cells & viruses, Lineage Cell, He Jiankui visa Read More »

WA AG wins half million from Seattle stem cell clinic US Stemology

US Stemology, Seattle Stem Cell Center

I grew up in the Seattle area so it wasn’t great to see stem cell clinics operating there recently, but better news was the WA State AG filing suit against a clinic there. The action included the clinic parent firm US Stemology along with its leader Dr. Tami Meraglia.  The suit was filed only months ago

WA AG wins half million from Seattle stem cell clinic US Stemology Read More »

Turner pub charts runaway stem cell clinic industry; FDA needs to think big now

U.S. Stem cell clinics map 2021.

Leigh Turner’s new Cell Stem Cell paper on the unproven stem cell clinic industry following up on our collaborative work together in 2015-2016 is great work but very discouraging. He found more than 2,700 clinics run by more than 1,000 firms in the U.S. This is several-fold growth since 2016. I’m very glad that Leigh has continued this line of

Turner pub charts runaway stem cell clinic industry; FDA needs to think big now Read More »

Congrats to Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest

Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest

Every year I run a number of contests here on The Niche and the most recent is a stem cell video contest.   I’m pleased to announce the winner of our contest is Lusubilo Mwalilino. You can see her video entry above, which is now part of our stem cell YouTube channel. Please check out

Congrats to Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest Read More »