Weekly reads: stem cells for epilepsy from Neurona Therapeutics, diabetes, contagious cancer

People often ask me what are the most promising stem cell therapies in development and new data suggest we should add stem cells for epilepsy to the list based on work by Neurona Therapeutics.

I’ll start off the weekly recommended reads with this new mouse paper on cell therapy for epilepsy.

Neurona Therapeutics, stem cells for epilepsy
Human donor cells are present in the recipient mouse brain. “Human cells (HNA+) migrated and dispersed throughout the HC. Expression of (G) IN-subtype marker SST and (H) neuronal marker MAP2 is shown at 8.5 MPT. Scale bar is 200 μm.” Bershteyn, et al., Cell Stem Cell 2023. Part of Fig. 4g.

Neurona Therapeutics: stem cells for epilepsy

Human pallial MGE-type GABAergic interneuron cell therapy for chronic focal epilepsy, Cell Stem Cell. Inhibitory interneurons greatly reduced the number of seizures in a mouse model. The cell therapy was made from human embryonic stem cells. Here’s the clinical trial listing for NRTX-1001. We can think of this as an inhibitory cell therapy, which is a cool idea.

Spectrum also covered the paper and the company, Neurona Therapeutics: Uncertainty and excitement surround one company’s cell therapy for epilepsy.

Neurona has not, that I could find, published data on their ongoing clinical trial. Does anyone else see it out there? I did find seven papers on PubMed that at least mention Neurona Therapeutics and epilepsy, even if none reported clinical trial results on NRTX-1001.

Neurona did report positive human findings through a press release earlier this year. We should be cautious on biotech press releases. There’s only N=2 here. However, there’s reason for cautious excitement. The PR says there was a 90-95% seizure reduction in two recipients of NRTX-1001. There were no adverse events to date.

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2 thoughts on “Weekly reads: stem cells for epilepsy from Neurona Therapeutics, diabetes, contagious cancer”

  1. So do they drill a hole in the skull and inject the stem cells directly into the brain matter?

    Alright I’m going to put you on the spot here, but I want to know, what are your thoughts and feelings about exosomes? Would you agree that exosomes will most likely revolutionize modern medicine? Personally I’m very excited about exosomes!!!

    1. ISCT, like a number of scientific and medical societies, is trying their best to inform the community and general public of this ongoing threat to patient safety. The more awareness there is, the better off we all are. Hopefully the FDA and more states will see the awareness and pressure, and begin to take more drastic action.

      Cellular medicine is indeed the future, but we must learn from the past. And unsubstantiated claims without rigorous clinical test has historically shown to have very negative effects for populations at large.

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