Search Results for: us stem cell

Clinics turning to potentially dangerous intranasal stem cell delivery

Intranasal stem cells trial map from

Because of blogging here on The Niche and people giving me tips I often can see trends before they fully surface and a troubling new one is intranasal stem cell delivery by unproven clinics. Over the past year I have heard of many clinics now offering this approach. I’ve seen this in marketing and heard […]

Clinics turning to potentially dangerous intranasal stem cell delivery Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cells vs. viruses, prostate cancer, apoptotic cell niche function, more

Morinaga et al Nature 2021 Stem cells and hair loss

The paper of the week is An isoform of Dicer protects mammalian stem cells against multiple RNA viruses published in Science. The take-home from the abstract is that the data, “demonstrate that mammalian stem cells can protect themselves from some RNA viruses by expressing an alternatively spliced isoform of the enzyme Dicer called aviD, which potentiates

Weekly reads: stem cells vs. viruses, prostate cancer, apoptotic cell niche function, more Read More »

Weekly reads: cancer stem cells & other pubs plus a puzzler

kyu yum nature cancer stem cells niche

Cancer stem cells are one of the most interesting areas of research, intersecting the stem cell and cancer fields. Today’s weekly reads post highlights some new cancer stem cell articles along with some other interesting papers. I also note a recent weak stem cell clinical trial paper that is not a recommended read but is

Weekly reads: cancer stem cells & other pubs plus a puzzler Read More »

Stem cells seed a new thymus, clinical hope?

thymus, stem cells, bioengineering

Imagine receiving a smidgeon of thymus gland along with a donated heart or kidney, to fool the immune system into accepting the transplant. Authors of a new study argue that might be possible, based on their new proof-of-principle experiments. The team from the Epithelial Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine lab at the Francis Crick

Stem cells seed a new thymus, clinical hope? Read More »

Weekly reads: cats, COVID, Muse cells, cancer stem cells, MS

diana farmer and aijun wang uc davis 1

There have been many other interesting scientific and specifically regenerative medicine developments and papers this past week including with CIRM and exciting CIRM funding to UC Davis so read on, but first a somewhat random question: are you more of a cat person or dog person? I’d say I’m both. But our big dog is

Weekly reads: cats, COVID, Muse cells, cancer stem cells, MS Read More »

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs


Reading to them was one of my favorite things to do with my kids when they were little, but it’s a long way from Goodnight Moon to this week’s list of recommended reads, although “bee brain” may have got their attention. Please take a minute to complete our The Niche reader survey for a chance

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs Read More »

Historic spring storm of FDA letters to stem cell clinic industry


The FDA has stem cell clinics squarely on its radar screen now and it’s pulling the trigger with many letters going out to this problematic industry. In the past, sometimes years went by with no letters at all or one letter in total to stem cell clinics so this marks a major shift. Background on

Historic spring storm of FDA letters to stem cell clinic industry Read More »

Who IS this!? Surprising phone survey of stem cell clinics on their COVID-19 pandemic status


It’s not every day that I call a bunch of stem cell clinics to say “hi”, but yesterday I called some of them during a needed lunch break from grant writing to see what they were doing about their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impetus for this survey of a sort was a question

Who IS this!? Surprising phone survey of stem cell clinics on their COVID-19 pandemic status Read More »

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype


Despite the COVID-19 pandemic there are still some research things we can do including data analysis as well as reading new papers and media articles on science, including regenerative medicine. If the weather’s good and you have wi-fi (or you print articles still on paper) you can even do this out in the fresh air

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype Read More »

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak


Could stem cells help patients with the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19? It’s hard to say at this point. Is it worth doing trials during the outbreak to find out? Three new clinical studies have popped up on investigating the potential of stem cells to help patients infected with the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV. Update, the

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak Read More »