Search Results for: us stem cell

Cynata stem cell trial update: CEO Ross Macdonald interview


Stem cell clinical trials have a certain gravitational pull for me as I’m always fascinated by them and since the new Cynata trial is moving forward, I recently did an interview their CEO, Dr. Ross A. Macdonald to find out more. PK: Cynata’s recently initiated clinical trial aims to treat GVHD as have other stem […]

Cynata stem cell trial update: CEO Ross Macdonald interview Read More »

Movers & Shakers in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Field


Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine field researchers move around to different places fairly often. It is interesting to note trends and also see who received what kinds of awards and such. Below is a list of some recent movers and shakers. George Daley got the ISSCR Public Service Award (you can see other ISSCR Awards here).

Movers & Shakers in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Field Read More »

FIX IT! SF Chronicle runs striking stem cell clinic ad with coupon


I’ve seen stem cell clinic ad after ad pop up in the mainstream media in my own hometown in The Sacramento Bee paper, but others are sprouting as well and a friend sent me a particularly striking stem cell advertisement from a recent copy of the San Francisco Chronicle. Not only does this stem cell clinic

FIX IT! SF Chronicle runs striking stem cell clinic ad with coupon Read More »

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017


By Cátia Bandeiras, PhD Student at University of Lisbon, Portugal and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See tweets from the conference using #ISSCR2017 @apulgarita I just wrapped up my stay at the Annual Meeting of ISSCR 2017, which happened in Boston. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am living in Boston at

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017 Read More »

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China?

Brain-PET-scan, stem cells

New human clinical trials using derivatives of pluripotent stem cells in China for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) have raised expectations and some eyebrows. PD is a neurodegenerative condition, sometimes diagnosed or followed by PET scans such as the one at left, characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons leading to severe and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. Pluripotent stem

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China? Read More »

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper


A new, brief study in mice from the Vinit Mahajan lab argues CRISPR can have very large numbers of off-target sites. Their paper is entitled “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo” and was published in Nature Methods.This work has garnered a lot of attention in the media. Let’s take a journal club review kind of approach

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper Read More »

Stem cell fake news driving biotech investors or vice versa…or what?


Is there a proliferating stem cell fake news problem in the biotech world? More broadly, the SEC is cracking down on the mess that is fake biotech news, but what about fake news on stem cell biotechs more specifically? Already in the past year I’ve seen examples of possible stem cell fake news. Hyped press releases (PR)

Stem cell fake news driving biotech investors or vice versa…or what? Read More »

Stem cells on Memorial Day: 5 concrete ways they may help troops


Stem cells and regenerative medicine are going to have big future impact across a broad spectrum of health problems, but there are specific ways they may be of particular positive impact for our men and women in service. Here on Memorial Day I’ve focused on 5 main areas where I predict that stem cells and

Stem cells on Memorial Day: 5 concrete ways they may help troops Read More »

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program


Late in 2015, one of the pioneering stem cell and regenerative medicine biotechs, Ocata Therapeutics (fka as ACT or Advanced Cell Technology) was acquired by Astellas Pharma. At the time of purchase, Ocata had a number of areas of focus, but was most closely followed for its development of human embryonic stem cell-based retinal pigmented epithelial

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program Read More »