Search Results for: us stem cell

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells


How far will stem cell clinics go to market their non-FDA approved “treatments” that they often claim will have miraculous results? I’ve never seen anything quite as striking as what some clinics in the Seattle area are now doing. In the past, we’ve seen clinics take researchers’ pictures, quotes, or videos to use for their […]

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells Read More »

Customers rate Nervana stem cell clinic harshly on Yelp


Sacramento’s Nervana stem cell clinic has been selling non-FDA approved stem cell therapies to patients for a variety of conditions including arthritis, pain, and neuropathy for a while now since last year, but in my opinion there isn’t good evidence to back up using amniotic or fat stem cells for such conditions. Further, my understanding

Customers rate Nervana stem cell clinic harshly on Yelp Read More »

Stem cell transplants: hIPSC and hESC behave similarly in brain & often fuse with host cells


What happens following pluripotent stem cell transplants into the brain? Are human IPS and ES cells going to function similarly in this context? We recently published a new translational paper on the behavior of human pluripotent stem cells when transplanted into the adult mouse brain in collaboration with my great UC Davis colleague, Dr. Veronica Martinez-Cerdeno.

Stem cell transplants: hIPSC and hESC behave similarly in brain & often fuse with host cells Read More »

Blunt comment from stem cell industry insider in defense of RTT & Texas Law


My recent post on the push for National Right-To-Try (RTT) including a detailed comment from ISSCR stirred some animated feedback. In the spirit of encouraging diverse discussion, here I am posting a striking comment I received from a stem cell industry insider regarding that post on RTT as it relates to stem cells and s/he was especially

Blunt comment from stem cell industry insider in defense of RTT & Texas Law Read More »

Push for National Right-To-Try Law Raises Concerns in Stem Cell Community


Right-To-Try laws have been passed in many states across America, paving the way in theory for gravely ill patients to have the right to try unproven treatments of various kinds, and now there is a serious push underway for a national Right-To-Try law. What is a Right-To-Try law? Typically, these Right-To-Try laws allow for a patient

Push for National Right-To-Try Law Raises Concerns in Stem Cell Community Read More »

Money talks: stem cell clinic ads mushrooming in mainstream media


Over the years I’ve been keeping my eyes open for advertising by stem cell clinics and lately the trend is big splashy ads in mainstream media including large daily newspapers such as the SacBee, the San Francisco Chronicle, and now the Seattle times (see below from today’s). These kinds of big ad buys on front or

Money talks: stem cell clinic ads mushrooming in mainstream media Read More »

Bioquark “reawaken” the dead with stem cells plan just zombie fodder?


A company called Bioquark reportedly claims it intends to bring back the dead, as in deceased people or at least brain dead people, with stem cells. Or at least awaken their brains. If it works, would those people be like zombies? Is it ethical to experiment in this way on dead people? Bioquark We first

Bioquark “reawaken” the dead with stem cells plan just zombie fodder? Read More »

3 Dangerous Texas Bills Would Boost Stem Cell Clinics


The Calexit and Texit state secession campaigns for California and Texas to leave the union, which are linked to Russian President Putin, are never going to be successful. However, if some Texas lawmakers and stem cell clinics there have their way, Texas would take a big step away from the rest of us on the stem cell

3 Dangerous Texas Bills Would Boost Stem Cell Clinics Read More »