Search Results for: vsel



This is a crowdsource page for people who want to post their findings on their attempts to validate the STAP stem cell ( STAP細胞) method.  I’m going to color successful or even moderately encouraging reports green and failures/discouraging results in red. *For those with longer attention spans, see some additional important considerations for this crowdsourcing effort at […]


More thoughts from STAP acid reprogramming stem cell paper

The STAP papers on making iPS like cells using acid treatment of differentiated cells really has people talking. See embryo at right made from GFP reporter STAP cells that glow green. As I said in my review of the papers yesterday, there are still some critical things we do not know about STAP cells and I

More thoughts from STAP acid reprogramming stem cell paper Read More »

Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2013: scientists, advocates, physicians, and the Pope

Nominations for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2013 closed last night and I ended up with a remarkable list of 30 nominees. I have included a few sentences about each one below, often taking verbiage directly from the nominator. The online voting on these nominees will start soon. The top vote getters will move

Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2013: scientists, advocates, physicians, and the Pope Read More »

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1


Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg is a stem cell pioneer and has advanced the development of innovative stem cell therapies including those based on umbilical cord blood. She is a faculty member at Duke where she conducts her clinical research. I recently interviewed Dr. Kurtzberg and below is Part 1 of 2 of the interview. Part 2,

Stem Cell Pioneer Joanne Kurtzberg interview, Part 1 Read More »

TGIF: musings on recent stem cell headlines: some good, some stupid

It’s Friday so time for some stem cell headlines. TGIF….although of course the stem cells will be growing, experiments going, the grants and papers continue being written, and data still analyzed on Saturdays and Sundays too in the stem cell field. Stem cells are not a Mon-Fri, 9-5 kind of universe, but most of you

TGIF: musings on recent stem cell headlines: some good, some stupid Read More »

Jury is still out on purported adult pluripotent stem cells despite new MUSE paper


Are MUSE cells for real? Stem cells come in different types that vary in a key property called “potency”, but very few are pluripotent. The more potency, the greater the flexibility of a stem cell to make other cell types. Flexibility in the cellular world is power. The most powerful stem cells generally used are

Jury is still out on purported adult pluripotent stem cells despite new MUSE paper Read More »

John Carbona on Day 2 of Vatican Stem Cell Meeting including Gurdon Talk


Below, guest blogger, John Carbona gives us his account (including pictures) of Day 2 of the Vatican Stem Cell Meeting, which included a talk by Nobel Laureate John Gurdon. Note, you can read John’s post on Day 1 of the meeting including more great pictures here. Friday, April 12, 2012 The Second International Vatican Adult

John Carbona on Day 2 of Vatican Stem Cell Meeting including Gurdon Talk Read More »