It’s Friday! Whew. Do we feel like we can stop for a moment and do something fun enough to say TGIF?
What kind of week was it in the stem cell field?
What were the good, the bad, and the ugly headlines?
Study showing hESC used to produce bone. Very exciting and cool study! Team also says they have made bone from iPS cells too.
No adverse responses in short-term Stem Cell Inc. SCI Trial. Gotta be safe!
Good and Ugly
CNN investigative report (good) on dubious embryonic stem cell treatments in India (ugly).
Michael J Fox Looks Past Stem Cells in Search for Parkinson’s Cure. What do you think of this ABC choice of headline and the interview? Mr. Fox is one incredibly smart person!
Nebraska anti-choice group reportedly trying to use ES cell research as wedge issue in election
Good news: Osiris finally got authorization to market prochymal.
I find the CNN headline disappointing. In the article, all Fox says is that he thinks other research approaches will likely be more effective in the near term. The headline leaves the impression that his organization is moving away from the field altogether, which isn’t true. Those opposed to embryonic stem cell research are really playing up the headline even though the story doesn’t support their position.
Agreed. This is disappointing.