There’s never enough time to get all of one’s science reading done, but we can try! It helps to have a list of “to-read” articles, whether actual research articles or media pieces. In the old days, I remember my mentors saying they literally had “piles” of journal articles on their coffee tables, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. that they needed to read. Here are some past recommended reads.
What would be the digital piles of science articles to try to dig into this week? Here are some on my list.

Stem cell (and cancer) reads
- Cool in two ways. The European Bank of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Five Years of Progress.
- I’m always concerned when I see “cure” media articles. Such pieces are recommended in part as cautionary “reads” by me. “Type 1 diabetes cured in mice using stem cells.” This “news” in mice was picked up and hyped by numerous media outlets. Also, there are clinical trials already going on in humans so new developments in mouse studies in this area should be balanced.
- Stem cells and cancer from Development. Oscillatory expression of Hes1 regulates cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation in the embryonic brain.
- Also from Development on H2AZ, Histone variant dictates fate biasing of neural crest cells to melanocyte lineage.
- Wow from Cell Stem Cell. Asymmetrically Segregated Mitochondria Provide Cellular Memory of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Replicative History and Drive HSC Attrition
- The role of TRIM family proteins in the regulation of cancer stem cell self‐renewal (review in Stem Cells).
- Hypercholesterolemia Accelerates the Aging Phenotypes of Hematopoietic Stem Cells by a Tet1-Dependent Pathway
CRISPR (and some cancer) reads
- CRISPR safety switch can make cells self-destruct if they go rogue. I always wonder how well such “switches” can work.
- CRISPR Muscular Dystrophy Research. “Muscle Function in DMD Mice Boosted by New Gene Delivery, Study Finds.” Here’s the actual Science Advances article from a team led by Eric N. Olson. See screenshot of part of Fig. 2 above showing delivery.
- Where CRISPR collides with cash. CRISPR your bank account? It discusses the biotech CRISPR Therapeutics.
Is there a list of reporting clinics that comply to industry/academic standards of care for adult stem cell therapies?